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Top Age 9 January 2023

1Guo, Ethan (16761994)9CAUSA2098
2Dong, Kyle Qiyu (17048806)9NJUSA2064
3Vaidyanathan, Kannan (17107282)9NYUSA2022
4Radhakrishnan, Sharath (16837380)9OHUSA1946
5Wang, Kevin (17154490)9DEUSA1927
6Cui, Young (17158184)9CAUSA1906
7Kona, Vidip Kumar (16948874)9WAUSA1891
8Yue, Tariq (30014129)9PAUSA1890
9Xu, Shawn (30264362)9MAUSA1888
10Wang, Ted (17187840)9WAUSA1875
11Sawhney, Yuvraj Singh (17095004)9CAUSA1866
12Gartenlaub, Corin (16899496)9NYUSA1858
13Chu, Alex Haoning (30096395)9NCUSA1854
14Goodrich, Elliott (16831504)9NYUSA1849
=14Hanke, Harvey (17137475)9INUSA1849
16Chen, Alan Zishun (17350156)9NCUSA1820
17Wang, Jacob S (17083655)9CAUSA1808
18Zhang, Glenn (30146519)9CAUSA1800
19Kennedy, Aiden (17268125)9NJUSA1776
20Yue, Andy (30030525)9MDUSA1771
21Fei, Irene Jiao (30015588)9IAUSA1767
22Fan, Shengjie (16963081)9CAUSA1766
23Iranian Prabhu Kumar, Ashwin (17193472)9OHUSA1733
24Cheng, Eric (16921202)9NYUSA1728
25Chovanec, Alice (16898466)9NYUSA1726
26Han, Leqi (30045327)9NYUSA1705
27Kashyap, Manish B (16792955)9NJUSA1700
28Li, Sophie (17143614)9FLUSA1692
=28Zhao, Kevin (30425013)9MAUSA1692
30Prasanna, Advik (30280672)9NCUSA1683
31Nemiroff, Samuel (17055610)9NYUSA1675
32Fan, Evan Qianyuan (16863365)9OHUSA1669
33Pan, Zachary (30221502)9MAUSA1668
34Leong, Anson (17288161)9NYUSA1650
35Chin, Zee (16965808)9CAUSA1649
=35Weyman, Grant A (30092306)9PAUSA1649
37Karthigeyan, Kishan (17310192)9NCUSA1638
38Hong, Luke (16894950)9CAUSA1626
39Daftuar, Rohan (17124531)9CAUSA1625
40Li, Brian Borui (30242580)9AZUSA1624
=40Wei, Jeffrey (30603651)9CAUSA1624
42Tao, Jeremy (16690030)9NYUSA1607
43Wu, Isaac Mengyuan (17187950)9NJUSA1597
44Sankar, Tarun (17060275)9AZUSA1593
45Ratliff, Ryan (17274746)9FLUSA1588
46Zhang, Brian Qixuan (30104944)9NCUSA1584
47Xu, Owen (30020820)9WAUSA1583
48Cao, Daniel (17081711)9CAUSA1582
49Shen, Leo Xiaohang (17132332)9NYUSA1567
50Rathi, Naitik (16979443)9NCUSA1555
=50Meng, Fanrong (17099646)9NYUSA1555
=50Axelrad, Yonatan (17349720)9CTUSA1555
53Fang, Kevin (17113374)9MDUSA1551
54Ma, Julian (30017413)9NJUSA1549
55Ren, Stanley (16922191)9MIUSA1531
56Atassi, Celine (17107852)9NCUSA1527
57Raha, Parth (17201431)9NJUSA1517
58Mei, Zerui Titus (16959455)9CAUSA1508
59Zhong, Evan (30064302)9CAUSA1507
60Yuen, Daisy (17036117)9NYUSA1506
61Muthukumaran, Arjun (30018527)9CAUSA1492
62Zhou, Arthur (30350651)9MAUSA1489
63Karthik, Shiva Srinivas (17292482)9NCUSA1485
64Wang, Darren (17214250)9CAUSA1482
65Zhang, Derek (17110950)9NYUSA1478
66Wu, Zhuoyuan (16772836)9CAUSA1474
67Drucker, Ari Sejoon (30133093)9NYUSA1473
68Fang, Zelin (17083043)9CAUSA1461
69Thomas, Henry (16790331)9FLUSA1460
70Ren, Aaron Song (30021889)9WAUSA1459
71Chen, Lucas J (16913511)9NYUSA1456
72You, Brandon Zhuocheng (17094702)9CAUSA1447
=72Statz, Isaac Hart (30163816)9NYUSA1447
74Hill, Leo M (30125384)9NMUSA1444
75Zang, Flynn (30064344)9NYUSA1436
76Saha, Aaryav (30130023)9SCUSA1435
77Wong, Zoe (17171472)9NYUSA1430
78Malhotra, Rishan (30186145)9NJUSA1416
79Liang, Warren (16874605)9NYUSA1411
80Ju, Mingrui (30280420)9NYUSA1405
81Buchireddy, Neeli (17330278)9ARUSA1394
82Wang, Lacey (30313152)9CTUSA1388
83Thandra, Samanyu (17355613)9NJUSA1386
84Vashisth, Arav (30240628)9TXUSA1384
85Kumar, Ishir (16761946)9FLUSA1380
=85Hu, Colin (30189267)9NJUSA1380
87Sha, Rui (30451949)9FLUSA1377
88Zhou, Yuchen (30171464)9WAUSA1374
89Liu, Richard (30055113)9FLUSA1357
90Wang, Leo (17354652)9NYUSA1355
91Yondon, Odbayar (30245517)9WAUSA1353
92Jaishankar, Akshay (30035327)9TXUSA1345
93Phu, Emma (16882611)9NYUSA1340
94Yang, Grace Siqi (17122026)9FLUSA1339
95Kongara, Srihan Veera Venkata (17223927)9CAUSA1336
96Adhyam, Agustya (30038167)9NJUSA1334
97Perales, Samuel (17176510)9TXUSA1329
98Xiong, Michael (30126266)9WAUSA1323
99Sahoo, Ojas Arohan (30019137)9WIUSA1317
100Figelman, David (16523406)9MAUSA1314
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.


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