Daniel J. Nystrom - passed June 21, 2005
USCF member Daniel J. Nystrom passed away on June 21, 2005. The notice below was sent to members of the Ventura County Chess Club. Past Ventura County Chess Club President Dan Nystrom lost his battle with ALS and died Tuesday June 21, 2005. Dan was an active member of the club for over 30 years. He gave generously of his time and money to support the club. In recent years Dan had been the driving force behind the club holding the Ventura County Open. A tournament many local players enjoyed. What is not well known is that the tournament lost money and Dan covered those losses out of his own pocket. Dan felt it was important to give the local players an opportunity to play in a weekend event without having to leave the area. When the club reached a crossroads in 1998 at the passing of the then Director/President Irv Besen, Dan stepped up and largely through his efforts the club continued and was run smoothly. Dan was President, treasurer, coffee maker and chief bottle washer. For two terms I had the privilege/challenge of working with Dan on the club board. Dan and I met many times over the board and at the chessboard he was always a gentleman. One thing is certain; we will not soon forget him. God bless you Dan, we will surely miss you! this obituary was offered by Jimmy J. Sweet,VCCC President |