Yermolinsky Wins Eastern Open
January 1, 2009
GM Alexander Yermolinsky, Photo 2006
GM Alexander Yermolinsky won clear first at the Eastern Open (December 26-30, D.C) with 6.5 out of 8, taking home a first prize of $1500. Close behind in 2nd-4th and 6 points each were GM Sergey Kudrin and young Florida stars IM Ray Robson and Daniel Ludwig, good for $783 each. Victor Shen tied for 5th-10th with 5.5, and won $725 for the Under 2400 prize.

Tournament director Michael Atkins told CLO: "The tournament excelled in tough games, with only a few quick draws on the top boards. Robson impresses as a major talent, a kid who uses a lot of clock but can play quick like a kid too. His win over Ivanov in round six took them both down to a few seconds with Ivanov overstepping. He then lost to Daniel Ludwig, who was also impressive."

Yermolinsky's key wins were in rounds 6 and 7, against IM Bryan Smith and GM Alexander Ivanov.



The Ludwig-Robson showdown went in favor of the older talent.


Robson climbed back up to 2nd-4th with a penultimate win over FM Todd Andrews and final draw against GM Kudrin.


Check out final standings in all sections on the Eastern Open homepage , where you can download a pgn file with all available games. Also check out MSA, USCF rated results.