Seven Tied in D.C; Georgi Ahead in Vegas |
December 28, 2008 | |
Seven players are tied for the lead in the The Eastern Open in D.C (Dec.27-30) with 3.5/4: GM Alexander Ivanov, Sergey Kudrin and Alex Yermolinsky, IMs Ray Robson and Bryan Smith, FM Todd Andrews and Zhi-ya Hu. In round 4, Alexander Ivanov earned revenge against Daniel Ludwig for their game from the National Chess Congress: 2760 In the same round, Ray Robson and Alexander Yermolinsky played to an interesting draw: 2758 Michael Thaler crunched his higher rated opponent on the White side of the Panov-Botvinnik attack. 2759 With four rounds left to go, the Eastern Open promises to be a tight race. Kacheishvili Pulls Ahead in Vegas At the North American Open in Las Vegas (December 26-29), Georgi Kacheishvili has pulled ahead of ten others with 4.5/5 and just two rounds to go. Check out the open standings, live games and Chris Bird's round by round reports. Kacheisvhili's points include the following convincing victory over IM Michael Mulyar and a miniature over GM Slavko Cicak. 2761 2762 In a face-off against two of our top American junior players, Sam Shankland prevailed over Robert Hess. 2763 The Pan-American Championships in Dallas, Texas are also heating up this afternoon, as UTD's A team faces off against its B team. Check out standings and live games on ICC/monroi. Also look for a Chess Life Magazine report on the North American Open by Jerry Hanken. |