Dallas-Boston Showdown Set for Saturday |
December 4, 2008 | |
Boston Blitz Dallas Destiny GM Larry Christiansen vs IM Marko Zivanic SM J. Sammour-Hasbun vs GM D. Kuljasevic SM Marc Esserman vs FM Igor Schneider NM Ilya Krasik vs WFM Bayaraa Zorigt CLO also asked top players from the league to weigh the chances in the final. Feel free to post your own predictions as a comment to this article.
I think Dallas will win. I believe they have a more compact team. I have two good friends playing on third board, Esserman vs. Schneider so that one is a tough call. I think Boston should have used a team where they don't need Krasik on board 4. It's nothing personal; I just think Dallas' biggest edge is on board 4. I'm also rooting for Dallas because if they win, we'll have lost in the semis to the championship team. FM Marcel Martinez, Miami Sharks I think Boston will win. They're very hot right now and ready for revenge against Dallas. Jorge Sammour-Hasbun vs. Kuljasevic is a complete tossup, but Christiansen will probably outclass Zivanic with his greater experience, and just enough sharpness. Esserman will also probably beat Schneider. So, if Boston scores 1.5/2 with White, they'll only need 0.5/2 on the remaining boards, as I believe Boston will win the tiebreak. (The tiebreak system consists of individual board by board blitz showdown. Read final match tiebreak details here. ) On a good day, Jorge will end it all in blitz, without even getting to Larry :) I believe Krasik won't lose this time to Zorigt, so even though it's close to a tossup, I'd give Boston a 56% edge over Dallas's 44%. -IM Alex Lenderman, Queens Pioneers After barely beating us, I can't see Boston winning it all. I like the chances for Dallas on boards 3 and 4 and I think that will be enough for the win. Also, the Dallas players have just finished the UTD Invitational so they are more ready to play. Dallas wins 2.5 - 1.5. - IM Lev Milman, Carolina Cobras I think Boston will win, because they play well when they are angry, and Dallas pisses them off more than any other team with the possible exception of NY. - GM Josh Friedel, San Francisco Mechanics Well, FM Mike Shahade told me some time earlier this year: "now listen Bryan, there are two things every Philadelphia boy learns. One is that Dallas sucks, the other is..." (I forgot) Well, I am not from Philadelphia; I am from Alaska so I think I don't have to follow that rule! I think Dallas will win and I am pretty sure too. Also I want them to win! - IM Bryan Smith, Philadelphia Inventors
I like Boston cause my boy Jorge is on the team. I met him 14 years ago in Brazil, liked him right away and I still like him. Also we schooled Boston earlier in the season, so it will show we can win against the championship team. - FM Mike Shahade, Philadelphia Inventors
I see Boston as solid favorites on paper but they are also a more volatile team- GM Pascal Charbonneau, New York Knights
Unlike most fans these days, I'm not big on predictions. But I'm not surprised to see either team in the finals. I felt that they, along with San Francisco, were the best teams this season- GM Joel Benjamin, New Jersey Knockouts Boston has some advantage on boards 1 and 2, but UTD has clear advantage on boards 3-4, although Esserman is doing well this year. UTD needs to hold boards 1-2 and hope for the best on the other two boards. I'd go for Boston anyway- WGM Katerina Rohonyan, Seattle Sluggers
I strongly prefer Boston. Here is why, board for board: |