Ehlvest Wins Continental and World Cup Spot
November 7, 2008
ehvllead.jpgIn the Continental Championships (Boca Raton, Florida, Nov.2-7),  GM Jaan Ehlvest won clear first with 7 out of 9. After Jaan's final round win over GM Alexander Shabalov, only GM-elect Josh Friedel could catch him.  Josh looked like he was going to just that against GM Julio Becerra, which would have resulted in a blitz playoff for the coveted World Cup Spot. In the end, Josh did not convert and was in fact worse in the very end of a 131(!) move game. This allowed Jaan to cruise to the finish line. 


Read more on the official website. Also check out for more games and a photo gallery in the Sun Sentinel. Look for more from Josh Friedel on the Continental in CLO next week. Josh will also write an article on the tournament for the February issue of Chess Life Magazine.