Kosteniuk Women's World Champion!
September 17, 2008
Photo courtesy chessdom.com
In a topsy-turvy fourth game, Alexandra Kosteniuk of Russia scored a draw to secure the 12th World Women's Championship title with a 2.5-1.5 final match win over 14-year-old Hou Yifan of China. Kosteniuk has an extensive website, kosteniuk.com which should keep you up to date on celebrations, interviews and other news. Also check chessdom.com and the official World Women's Championship website for more on Kosteniuk's win. Because she spends much of her time in Miami, Florida, it is likely that Alexandra will be making U.S. appearances soon, and CLO will keep readers up to date on that. For now, Congratulations to Alexandra!

World Women's Championship Final Games





Nalchik, Russia was the site of the Women's World Championship. This picture is from a nearby mountain resort. Photo courtesy Anna Zatonskih.