Ehlvest and Erenburg Lead Futurity |
By Jennifer Shahade | |
July 10, 2008 | |
GM Jaan Ehlvest. Photo Michael Khodarkovsky
GMs Jaan Ehlvest and Sergey Erenburg lead the The New Jersey Futurity (Branchburg, NJ, July 7-11.) The 10--player round-robin is sponsored by the New Jersey State Chess Federation, where you can watch live games, and Michael Khodarkovsky's International Chess School and hosted by Dean of Chess Academy.
2130 2131 On the norm front, Mackenzie Molner needs 2/4 for a total of 5/9 to score an IM norm, or 3.5/4 for a GM norm. Evan Ju needs 3.5/4 for an IM norm. Sponsor and coach Michael Khodarkovsky started teaching Mackenzie when he was eight years old. He is excited about Molner's prospects and says: "Mackenzie has always been solid and well-composed. I'm very proud of his recent successes. I hope he will finish the tournament as strong as he started and will earn his second IM norm."
GM Sergey Erenburg and GM Sam Palatnik
IM Dean Ippolito and NM Evan Ju
2nd NJ Futurity International
Standings after five rounds:
4 Erenburg, Ehlvest
3.5 Yudasin
3 Molner, Palatnik
2.5 Almeida Saenz
1.5 Ippolito, Scekic
1 Zlotnikov, Ju