Ray Robson Awarded IM Title |
June 3, 2008 |
At the Presidential Board Meeting in Athens, Greece (May 31-June 2.),
FIDE announced that Ray Robson has officially been awarded the
International Master title. Robson, who is 13, lives in Florida. He earned the three norms required for his title in late 2007: the 6th North American FIDE Invitational (Chicago) , the World Youth Championship (Antalya, Turkey) and the University of Texas at Dallas GM Invitational. Correction,4/4/08 : The norm in Turkey was not accepted but Ray earned a fourth norm at the 2008 Rejkajvik Open, which guaranteed his title. Walter Brown and Sevan Muradian earned FIDE
Arbiter titles. The American titles have a nice intersection in that Sevan organized the tournament in which Ray earned his first norm. These titles and other news from the board meeting will be officially announced shortly on fide.com.