Jorge Strikes Again
By Jennifer Shahade   
April 8, 2008
jorgelead.jpgIn the Dos Hermanas blitz championship (April 5-6), Jorge Sammour-Hasbun, who also won the 2007 edition , struck again to top sixteen GMs in the 32-player knockout finals. You can watch the ICC interview here, which was graciously conducted by Jorge's last round opponent, GM Ronen HarZvi.

Last year, Jorge came out of the woodwork for the Dos Hermanas 2007. He has been more active since then, and he achieved a 2800+ performance rating in Boston Blitz team in the U.S. Chess League. He also played in the Foxwoods Kamsky Quads and the Eastern Class Championship. Still, to the frustration of Jorge's fans, he has not furthered his pursuit of the IM and GM norms, which based on his performance last weekend, are clearly within his reach. In Dos Hermanas 2008, Jorge crashed through  IM Anton Kovalyov and GMs Timur Gareev, Baadur Jobova, Dmitry Konenko and Ronen HarZvi.

His style in Dos Hermanas was typically aggressive. Here is a selection of his victories: