Best of CLO 2007-#5
January 31, 2008
Elizabeth Vicary and I.S.318 students  with an award they just accepted at City Hall in Brooklyn.
We are past the half-way mark in the Best of the CLO 2007 competition, and the #5 article is "E.Vicary on Girls, Chess and Genius." Judges and readers were impressed by the fresh views on gender and chess in the conversation between web editor and Chess Bitch author WGM Jennifer Shahade and Championship coach, writer and WFM Elizabeth Vicary. The interview focused on Elizabeth's recent master's thesis, "Encouraging Middle School Girls' Success and Involvement in Chess." Also read the original article with comments.   Elizabeth is a frequent contributor to Chess Life Online and Chess Life Magazine. Recent articles from Elizabeth include blogs from the 2007 U.S. Women's Championship in Stillwater, and a magazine piece on the Chicago Open.

The Judges Sound Off
To learn more about the judges, read "Meet the Judges."

In her interview with Elizabeth Vicary, Shahade accurately highlights important findings from Vicary's master's thesis. After reading this article, I run my middle school ladder just like Vicary's- Alexey Root

In Jennifer Shahade's interview with Elizabeth Vicary, I liked how one of Jennifer's favorite themes, gender and chess was analyzed in a new way. Elizabeth really tried to see not why girls are worse or better than boys, but what can we do in order to specialize girls' abilities so they can excel in chess. I feel it is an impressive idea- Yury Shulman

Nice presentation by Elizabeth on sex differences in chess and how coaches often teach genders differently. It was nice to see this academic type of article in Chess Life Online- Michael Atkins

Judge Dr.Alexey Root was inspired to run her ladder differently after reading about Elizabeth's method. No student is stigmatized as the last rung on the ladder; instead there is a pool at the bottom.