US Open Announcement
By Jean Hoffman   
January 30, 2014
Rosen Centre The Rosen Centre in Orlando, Florida.

The site for the 2014 US Open has changed and will now be held July 26th-August 3rd, 2014 in Orlando, Florida at the Rosen Centre Hotel. The USCF was forced to find another location for the event after the original site, the Millennium Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, announced it would be closing earlier this year. The USCF is currently working with the World Chess Hall of Fame and the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis to host the US Open in St. Louis in 2017.

Please note that Rosen has several properties in Orlando, FL and you will need to book your room(s) at the Rosen Centre Hotel. Rosen Centre Hotel is located at: 9840 International Dr., Orlando FL 32819. When booking, please call: 1-800-204-7234 and ask for the US Open Chess Championship rate. Reservations open February 4, 2014. Rates are as follows:

Single/Double/Triple/Quad with 2 complimentary breakfasts:$109.00
Single/Double/Triple/Quad with 3 complimentary breakfasts:$119.00
Single/Double/Triple/Quad with 4 complimentary breakfasts:$129.00

Please visit the US Chess Federation website at for more information.