SuperNationals V Officially Breaks Record |
April 8, 2013 | |
The SuperNationals V officially broke the attendance record for largest rated chess competition in history with 5335 participants. The previous record was set at SuperNationals III with 5320. Browse this historic event on MSA. You can also find some games on Monroi, including K-12 Champ's Atulya Shetty's critical final round win over Luke Harmon-Vellotti, who started with a perfect 6-0. 6744 Also see a game by FM Aleksander Ostrovskiy, who led the Edward R. Murrow high school team to victory. New York Daily News posted a piece this morning which said Ostrovskiy is, "known for his encylopedic knowledge of opening maneuvers and the appropriate level of chess swagger." 6746 Look for more video and stories including a piece by Melinda J. Matthews, also writing the Chess Life Magazine article on SuperNationals. |