Chess in Cambridge: Jen Shahade Visits MIT [VIDEO]
February 7, 2013
Last week, I visited Cambridge to guest lecture at the "MIT poker class." I talked about the parallels between chess and poker and what it's like to be a woman in both games. When I asked the class how many knew the rules of chess, more than half raised their hands and many were tournament players.  


You can find part II on YouTube and the slideshow here. 

While in MIT, I also got a chance to meet with Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, a physicist post-doc at MIT and one of the founding members of Wuchess. 

Though Wuchess is no longer around, RZA is still quite connected to chess-he supported February 2012 cover star, HHCF founder Adisa Banjoko's upcoming trip to Harvard. 

On March 1, 2013 from 3:00-4:30 PM  Adisa Banjoko will present a multimedia interactive workshop at Harvard, “Living The Game: The Powerful Fusion of Hip-Hop & Chess.”

Look for another video hosted by Jennifer Shahade on the "Game for the Ages" Aronian-Anand game on the STL Chess Club Youtube channel. Also subscribe to the US Chess Federation channel on YouTube.