Giri Wins Reggio Emilia as Nakamura Falters |
January 6, 2012 | |
GM Hikaru Nakamura was blazing through the Reggio Emilia tournament in Italy but faltered in the last few rounds as GM Anish Giri ended in clear first. Nakamura's own loss to Giri was in the penultimate round: 6066 Despite three losses in a row, Hikaru's TPR was still higher than his own rating. Hikaru's stay in Europe is not over. As he tweeted, "Running out of gas...hoping I can summon something up for the last round and Wijk..." Hikaru is referring to his upcoming trip to Wijk Aan Zee in the Netherlands for Tata Steel 2012 (January 13-29). Hikaru will defend his title there with a star-studded field that includes Magnus Carlsen and reigning US Champion Gata Kamsky. Follow USChess on twitter and find us on facebook. |