Game 7 in Topalov-Anand Sees Thrilling Draw |
May 3, 2010 | |
Game seven of the Topalov-Anand World Championship match was a thrilling draw in a Catalan/Bogo Indian hybrid. Onsite correspondent GM Ian Rogers summarizes the action "Outstanding preparation by Topalov forced Anand onto the defensive for most of the game but Anand hung on with fine defense. When Topalov failed to force a draw with 33...d2, Anand decided to press for a win himself, and he might have gone close to victory had he found 42.Qa4! After Topalov's pawn reached d2 a draw was inevitable." 4395 See GM Ian Rogers' in-depth report on the first four rounds with coverage and analysis of all the decisive games so far. Also see the Couch Potato's Guide to the World Championship Part I and Part II. |