Anand Evens Score in Sofia
April 25, 2010
AnandTopalov350.jpg Round two of the 2010 World Championship begins, Photo GM Ian Rogers

After getting crushed on the Black side of the Grunfeld in game one,
Anand evened the World Championship score in round two with a nice Catalan endgame win over his challenger.


GM Ian Rogers, who will file a blog for CLO in the coming week, reported from the press room in Sofia: "Topalov was unable to pinpoint his error. 'At some point I started making mistakes' but Anand felt that after 25...Ne3?! the game started to slip away for Black. 'I wasn't even sure if 26.Rxd4 was a real threat,' he said."
Topalov, the local hero, suffered a tough loss today. Photo GM Ian Rogers

Monday 4/26 is a rest day and game 3 will resume on Tuesday 4/27 at 8 AM EST. For a survery of viewing and after-viewing options, see GM Ian Rogers' The Couch Potato's Guide to the World Championship.