Anand Evens Score in Sofia |
April 25, 2010 | |
After getting crushed on the Black side of the Grunfeld in game one, Anand evened the World Championship score in round two with a nice Catalan endgame win over his challenger. 4365 GM Ian Rogers, who will file a blog for CLO in the coming week, reported from the press room in Sofia: "Topalov was unable to pinpoint his error. 'At some point I started making mistakes' but Anand felt that after 25...Ne3?! the game started to slip away for Black. 'I wasn't even sure if 26.Rxd4 was a real threat,' he said." Monday 4/26 is a rest day and game 3 will resume on Tuesday 4/27 at 8 AM EST. For a survery of viewing and after-viewing options, see GM Ian Rogers' The Couch Potato's Guide to the World Championship. |