Topalov Begins Match with Big Win |
April 24, 2010 |
Topalov before the 1st game of the 2010 World Championship, Photo GM Ian Rogers
Homecourt challenger Veselin Topalov began the World Championship match
against reigning Champion Viswanathan Anand with a crushing win on the White side of the Grunfeld. Topalov had previously played this line against Gata Kamsky in their Challengers match, but in that game Topalov played 16. f4. This time Topalov chose 16.Rac1, which was also Karjakin's choice in 2008 against Carlsen. Anand differed from Carlsen's 16...Bb7 with 16...Qd6, and fell deep into an attack after 23...Kf7. In the final position, Black's queen no longer can block on the c-file with Qc5, so 30...Kxc8 31. Qc1+ is decisive.
GM Ian Rogers, who is live on the scene told CLO, "Vishy looked shell-shocked after the game. Kf7 was fatal. All preparation by Topalov."
Tomorrow, Anand will have his chance with the white pieces--the game begins at 8 AM EST. For a survery of viewing and after-viewing options, see GM Ian Rogers' The Couch Potato's Guide to the World Championship.