Best of CLO 2009: #6
January 23, 2010
Macauley Peterson at the 2009 US Chess Championships, Photo Betsy Dynako
The #6 article in Best of CLO 2009 is Kamsky After Match: "Life Goes On." by Macauley Peterson. Judges praised Macauley's ability to gain unique insights from such elite players as Topalov and Kamsky.

Macauley is a media developer and foreign correspondent for ICC and in 2008, was honored as the Chess Journalist of the Year. Macauley travels around to most elite international chess events and creates videos and audio clips. You can catch all the action by following chessfm's twitter feed or subscribing to the youtube channel. Macauley is currently reporting from Corus, Wijk Aan Zee.
Macauley's other Chess Life work in 2009 included dispatches from the US Open, "Roaming the Halls of Indiana" and "The Final Five in Indiana." Peterson also wrote the August 2009 Chess Life Magazine cover story, Hikaru!
Together with Randy Sinquefield & Kevin Duggin (and Randy White at the US Women's) Macauley produced and co-hosted with Jennifer Shahade news videos from the 2009 US Championship and US Women's. Macauley's personal website is 
The Judges Sound Off

Read more about the judges here

Great article focusing on Kamsky's mental blockades and psychological mistakes, illustrated by relevant chess fragments. Macauley gets both Topalov and Kamksy to shed some light on the background of the match, which is quite an achievement in itself already.- Arne Moll

This was a real treat.  The author delved into the psychology of the match, and compared sides of Kamsky and Topalov that the 64 squares just cannot show.- Rob Bernard

The reporting was very thorough and solid. I feel this type of straightforward, well-researched reporting is Macauley’s strength- Tiebreaker judge Jonathan Hilton

Best of CLO 2009 Countdown
#1-#5- ??
#6-Kamsky on Match: "Life Goes on." by Macauley Peterson
#7-Abby Marshall on her Denker Win by Abby Marshall
#8-How to Score a Summer Upset by Matan Prilleltensky
#9- Adventures of a Samford: Friedel on the 2009 US Champs  by GM Josh Friedel 
#10-Interview with a Hall of Famer: GM John Fedorowicz  by WGM Jennifer Shahade