The Scoop on Liberty Bell: Part I |
By DimMak Films | |
January 21, 2010 | |
At the 2010 Liberty Bell Open, GM Alexander Shabalov emerged as the clear winner with 6/7, good for $2422 plus a clear first bonus of $121. 440 players turned out for the event, so payouts were increased to 121% of the projected prize fund. Two sides of the draw GM Shabalov talked to the US Chess Scoop about his tough draw against WIM Alisa Melekhina. The Scoop on GM Alexander Shabalov from DIM mak films on Vimeo. 4071Melekhina also talked to the US Chess Scoop about the same draw, and her upcoming January 31 simul in New Jersey (sold out!) The Scoop on WIM Alisa Melekhina from DIM mak films on Vimeo. Although Shabalov focused on the Melekhina game on camera, you may be impressed by two of his wins from the event:4070 4069 Zenyuk: A Creative Tournament WIM Iryna Zenyuk discussed her thrilling contests against IM Bryan Smith and Alex Barnett. The Scoop on WIM Iryna Zenyuk from DIM mak films on Vimeo. 40724073 A "Cheesecake Dacha" Finally, we hear from New York Knight Yaacov Norowitz on a draw against the young Josh Colas, a win over GM Stripunsky and how he picks his "Lesson of the Week." Find out more about Yaacov on his website and look for a follow-up with Yaacov in part II of this series. The Scoop on SM Yaacov Norowitz from DIM mak films on Vimeo. See the Liberty Bell MSA with rating changes and complete crosstables here . Part II of the Scoop on the Liberty Bell Open will feature GM Pascal Charbonneau, IMs Irina Krush, Dean Ippolito and Bryan Smith and Columbia Grammar coach John MacArthur. To access the Scoop on the National Chess Congress (also held in the Sheraton in downtown Philadelphia), see the complete archive on Jennifer's Blog. |