Metropolitan Chess News
June 6, 2011
Metropolitan Chess, Inc was voted 2011 Chess Club of the Year by United States Chess Federation (USCF). NM Ankit Gupta, Chief Organizer of Metropolitan Chess, Inc, was voted 2011 Organizer of the Year by the USCF. Keep updated with events by Metropolitan Chess, Inc, by visiting our website at

Metropolitan Chess, Inc. hosted an International Master norm round robin tournament on June 1 to 5 of 2011. The tournament is sponsored by California Market Center, Fashion Business, Inc,, MonRoi, LawyerFy, and Betty Bottom Showroom.
Metropolitan Chess Invitational Camp (August 12-16)

Please also take a moment to view the short video about the August 12-16, 2011, Metropolitan Chess Scholastic Camp (with GM Michael Adams, GM Loek Van Wely, GM Melikset Khachiyan, and many other titled instructors). The video can be found here.
This camp leads into the 1st Metropolitan International which will be held from August 17-21, 2011.