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(Forum Registration Included - See Details Below)

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Real Name: *
Username: *
E-mail: *
Password: *
Verify Password: *
US Chess Membership Information (Required)
Can't find your US Chess ID?
It's the eight digits after ID on the second line of your Chess Life address label.
Can't find your PIN?
It's the five digits after PIN on the second line of your Chess Life label. (If you have renewed your US Chess membership recently, your PIN will have changed. Be sure you're using your current PIN.) You can request to receive your PIN via email by going to https://secure2.uschess.org/pin-request.php.
Date of Birth (required for US Chess member registration)

Forum Use Details:

Registration includes access to read the Forums.

However, you must be an active US Chess member at least sixteen years old to post to the Forums or to read the USCF Issues Forum.

US Chess Member Records:

Website records are maintained separately from US Chess membership records. To update information in your US Chess membership record, such as your mailing address, email address or public contact information, please go to the Members Only Area.

Important: You will receive an Activation Email.
You must activate your registration before you can log in.
