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Best of CLO 2013 #6- Melinda on Yoga & Chess Print E-mail
January 21, 2014
chess15.jpgThe #6 article in Best of CLO 2013 is On the Mat, Over The Board by Melinda J. Matthews. The article, beautifully illustrated with photos by Nerissa Sparkman showed parallels between the two passionate pursuits. It was also featured in Yoga Journal.

Just as many labor under the misguided impression of chess players as esoteric geeks, others think of yoga only in physical terms.  The majority of inquires I receive about my yoga classes usually begin with the following phrase: "I'm interested, but I'm not at all flexible."

Western notions of yoga have honed in on the physical, driven by the media-fueled fantasy of achieving a tight and toned yoga butt as the overriding goal.  But the real intent of asanas - the physical practice - is to prepare the body for quieting the mind, thereby allowing long and physically comfortable meditations.

Melinda is a frequent CLO and Chess Life Magazine contributor. She also won Best of CLO #9 for her article on the SuperNationals.

The Judges Sound Off
(More on the judges here)
Stimulating story about the relationship between chess and yoga. I like the author’s investigative research and in depth metaphorical analysis- Galen Pyle

This well-written piece sounds like a tempting advertisement for yoga instruction at chess tournaments.  I can only hope that nobody tries Camel, Warrior or Wild Thing inside the playing hall during a round.-Michael Aigner

Chess is a difficult sport and in order to be available to fight for 5 hours is recommended to have a complementary discipline.  When I read this article, I remembered the famous Latin quotation "mens sana in corpe sano" which means "a healthy mind in a healthy body".

The strongest connection I see between chess and yoga is that you should be mindful in order to do your best. Bobby Fischer  was right when he said "You can not separate the body from the mind" She also explains interesting yoga positions to practice during a chess tournament. I will try it! -- —Carla Heredia
Best of CLO Countdown 2013
6. On the Mat, Over The Board by Melinda J. Matthews
7. Greg on Chess: Magnus & Openings by IM Greg Shahade (Judging article)
8. On the Way to Breakthrough by IM Justin Sarkar (Judging article)
9. Melinda's Swan Song to SuperNationals by Melinda J. Matthews  (Judging article )
10. Reykjavik Open Ends with a Whimper (or why Greg Shahade is Wrong, Again) by GM Ian Rogers (Judging article)