Top Age 18 November 2023

1Hong, Andrew (14941904)18CAUSA2638
2Wang, Justin (14930904)18TXUSA2576
3He, Anthony B (14729222)18WAUSA2555
4Daggupati, Balaji (14499403)18CAUSA2545
5Shlyakhtenko, Robert (14951916)18CAUSA2476
6Tsay, Vincent (15297685)18NYUSA2446
7Lu, Maximillian (14732597)18CTUSA2434
8Poliannikov, Danila (14969622)18MAUSA2412
9Narayanan, Samrug (14653287)18MNUSA2406
10Rorrer, Grayson (16027820)18TXUSA2349
11Eidelman, Gabriel (14949655)18CAUSA2346
12Mei, Austin R (16090452)18CAUSA2330
13Maiti, Milind (14442276)18CAUSA2319
=13Kolay, Alex (15470820)18CAUSA2319
=13Lee, Linden Marcus (16059633)18MNUSA2319
16Ladan, Nicholas (15092641)18ILUSA2315
17Espinosa, Pedro Roberto (14987738)18NYUSA2310
18De La Colina, Nicolas Alejandro (14936616)18FLUSA2302
19Yoo, Eugene Choi (14862820)18NYUSA2292
20Moor, Nathaniel Philip (15012516)18CTUSA2274
21Gundam, Rohit (14908373)18TXUSA2267
22Ai, Evan (14780703)18CAUSA2255
23Song, Alan (15418978)18MAUSA2246
24Lu, Jason (15264313)18NJUSA2218
25Guha, Rohit (15929653)18ILUSA2217
26Wang, Brandon (14760736)18NYUSA2216
27Shevkunov, Vladyslav (15490096)18CAUSA2215
28Dixit, Arun (14607904)18CAUSA2211
29Sampath, Aja (14771317)18OHUSA2210
30Chor, Kevin Derek (14646646)18AZUSA2204
=30Luo, Ryan (15210171)18DEUSA2204
32Finkelstein, Alan (14958842)18CAUSA2194
33Kumarappan, Ganesh (14920281)18TXUSA2192
34Talghader, John Aidan (14641064)18MNUSA2179
35Zheng, Peter (15075977)18TXUSA2177
36Zhang, Nathaniel Albion (14885012)18CAUSA2176
37Shubin, Daniel (15185684)18WAUSA2173
38Soong, Danny (15121936)18CAUSA2172
=38Anderson, Tremil (15818462)18CAUSA2172
40Prasanna, Gracy Franco (15472188)18PAUSA2167
41Ni, Winston (14381492)18NJUSA2165
42Chen, Maxwell D (14678004)18MAUSA2138
43Hyatt, Jessica (15502462)18NYUSA2137
44Schexnaydre, Benson (15900121)18MSUSA2133
45Beck, Alec (15137253)18WAUSA2131
46Mcquillin, Danil Alsandair (15050406)18GAUSA2127
47Giannaras, Christopher (16024505)18PAUSA2126
48Dhar, Sumit (15188271)18NYUSA2121
49Liu, Leonardo (14879663)18NYUSA2120
=49Tunc, Skyler (15336721)18VAUSA2120
51Rivedal, Andrew (16025954)18WIUSA2119
52Xu, Kevin (15437078)18KSUSA2116
53Nayak, Shreyas Sanjay (15161797)18CAUSA2113
54Goldovsky, Roman (15747277)18PAUSA2110
55Kozower, Ethan (15903686)18NYUSA2105
56Raymond, Nirvan (16110278)18CAUSA2102
57Brooks, Trevor William (15363983)18NYUSA2096
58Santner, Jack Jeffrey (14623004)18ILUSA2094
59Lee, Daniel (15703565)18ILUSA2093
60Lu, Joshua (15367938)18CAUSA2082
61Yellamraju, Ambica (15105036)18TXUSA2081
62Pullabhotla, Venkata (15472194)18TXUSA2074
63Allen, Spencer Nathaniel (14518446)18AZUSA2069
64Dai, George Jingchang (14854945)18TXUSA2066
65Sartorio, William (14715380)18CAUSA2063
66Li, Jason Y (14650067)18NYUSA2062
67Su, Kenneth (15191452)18AZUSA2058
68Pau, Ethan (14512404)18INUSA2057
69Lodh, Anish (14680747)18IAUSA2056
70Rao, Patrick (14855075)18ILUSA2049
71Chen, Nathan (15213735)18IAUSA2046
72Matta, Kisna (14874247)18VAUSA2042
73Matus, Nastassja A (14892265)18MNUSA2039
74Xu, Bernie (14940771)18MAUSA2031
75Shrauger, Alex Hayden (15328908)18CAUSA2030
76Kumar, Arya (15768672)18NCUSA2029
=76Vanorny, Benjamin (17007860)18MNUSA2029
78Shrivastav, Kunal (15177238)18CAUSA2027
79Lee, Ryan (15137336)18NYUSA2026
80Zhu, Harvey (14456124)18TXUSA2025
81Shoykhet, Benjamin Effron (15416134)18MDUSA2014
82Liotino, Peter J (15915496)18NCUSA2012
=82Amaya, Brayan Angel (16722628)18FLUSA2012
84Nguyen, Anh Nhu (13942081)18TXUSA2011
85Maheshwari, Jayant (14966376)18MDUSA2007
86Cheung, Nathan (15354534)18NJUSA2005
87Badiee, Barzin Mohammad (15758737)18VAUSA1999
88Schroeder, William (15118630)18RIUSA1993
89Reddy, Satvik (14659114)18FLUSA1991
90Durost, Benjamin E (17214574)18WIUSA1990
91Kurbanov, Abror (15737464)18FLUSA1987
92Pathak, Dhruv (15270590)18TXUSA1984
=92Chan, Kyle (30063365)18NYUSA1984
94Yu, Leo Yunlong (15320326)18NCUSA1983
95Crowley, Peter (14350655)18NCUSA1947
=95Duncan, M Ledford (16028954)18SCUSA1947
97Pai, Rahul (16742108)18OKUSA1936
98Donham, William (15747455)18ARUSA1935
99Baker-Nagar, Sikander (16973491)18COUSA1934
100Huang, Kevin (14643783)18INUSA1933
=100Price, Josh (16988802)18IDUSA1933
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.