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Top Age 11 October 2021

1Chen, Ryo Wenyu (16914802)11TXUSA2368
2Woodward, Andy Austin (16302012)11TXUSA2343
3Lee, Alice Teresa (16059648)11MNUSA2241
4Adewumi, Tanitoluwa (16649696)11NYUSA2239
5Xie, Bryan (15733084)11CAUSA2207
6Chakrabarti, Brejesh (16167206)11FLUSA2155
7Jiang, Andrew (16091063)11GAUSA2132
8Xie, Timothy (16113085)11NJUSA2126
9Wang, Isaac (17058192)11CAUSA2105
10Wang, Alexander J (15983386)11NJUSA2096
11Wongso, Steve (15914665)11AZUSA2090
12Ho, Cooper (15836625)11NYUSA2073
13Deng, Henry (16681298)11CAUSA2061
14Golsefidy, Sepehr (16686975)11CAUSA2051
15Vidyarthi, Omya (15782318)11CAUSA2041
16Tang, Austin (16097497)11ORUSA2034
17Chen, Eddison Alson (15730900)11KSUSA2027
18Sathish, Pranav (16464655)11CAUSA2023
19Ren, Jesse (16647087)11MIUSA2013
20Prestia, Sebastian (15490734)11NYUSA2008
21Mullodzhanov, Nathaniel (15706544)11NYUSA2005
22Shetty, Anshul P (15752957)11ILUSA1987
23Yan, Nathan (16430495)11CAUSA1975
24Ho, Jasper (16038265)11NYUSA1972
25Xia, Ruoxiao (16025390)11INUSA1952
26Luo, Will (15996864)11NJUSA1936
27Bansal, Advay (16068511)11CAUSA1930
28Guo, Andrew (16192001)11CAUSA1922
29Farragut, Cannon (16051045)11FLUSA1920
30Bian, Erin (16926853)11WAUSA1903
31Belenky, Nicholas (16048482)11NYUSA1899
32Wang, Jeffery (16291100)11CAUSA1896
33Rao, Anjaneya Sripathy (16442373)11ILUSA1876
34Fan, Frank (16034737)11CAUSA1854
35Colville, Julian (16397710)11CAUSA1832
36Vemparala, Nikash (16438800)11WAUSA1824
37Marian, Aaron (15799497)11FLUSA1823
38Muthukumaran, Gurru (15865863)11PAUSA1821
39Naveen, Aarush (16031675)11NYUSA1815
=39Harish, Neeraj (16054553)11WAUSA1815
41Levine, Owen (16024663)11VAUSA1813
42Kurup, Siddharth (16282415)11MDUSA1803
=42Gan, Nathan (16364458)11CAUSA1803
=42Maheshwari, Vedant (16394505)11CAUSA1803
45Riaz, Rayhan (16543002)11MAUSA1787
46Xu, Gordon Zhenyu (16641003)11CAUSA1782
47Gu, Crystal Jiuzhou (16028603)11CAUSA1781
48Cheung, Kyle (15970938)11NYUSA1773
49Zhang, Sunny (15903555)11TXUSA1755
50Sriram, Shravan (15894655)11CAUSA1752
=50Chang, Max (16180667)11NYUSA1752
52Boydell, Oliver (15727933)11NYUSA1749
53Buczkiewicz, Henry Michael (16309063)11CTUSA1748
54Mokhov, Anthony Michael (16196162)11CAUSA1747
55Wang, Leo Q (16061785)11CAUSA1745
56Meister, Xan (15851046)11NYUSA1743
57Champsi, Imran (16176854)11CAUSA1742
58Andranigian, Rafi (15551655)11CAUSA1740
59Faitelson, Nevo (15871578)11NYUSA1739
=59Tang, Lydia (16434195)11PAUSA1739
61Liu, Ethan (16441893)11NCUSA1737
62Chen, Jocelyn (15671677)11CAUSA1733
63Wakida, Ken (16287282)11NYUSA1728
64Zhu, Alexander (16147664)11AZUSA1719
65Willy, Stephen (17088783)11WAUSA1705
66Bear, Nicholas D (16056078)11NYUSA1696
67Zhou, Di (16139836)11NYUSA1692
68Munaganuri, Vamsi (16212947)11ILUSA1683
69Prakash, Nandini (16085871)11TXUSA1682
=69Aravindakshan, Sahana (16741147)11NJUSA1682
71Yakupov, Daut (16058761)11MIUSA1677
=71Heath, Derek Xu (16488212)11WAUSA1677
73Chang, Luca (16081600)11TXUSA1672
74Barry, Louis John (16995547)11NYUSA1668
75Wadhwa, Aayush (16554917)11KSUSA1664
76Meiyappan, Kavya (15882866)11CAUSA1652
77Chang, Jerry (15965270)11CAUSA1650
78Lin, Julian (15856697)11ORUSA1648
=78Shen, Newman Lu-Yuan (16036253)11MOUSA1648
80Sarangi, Shreyan (17058212)11UTUSA1647
81Qin, Samuel (16123997)11TXUSA1645
82Ammasani, Smayan (16103198)11NCUSA1641
83Mei, Ethan R (16090467)11CAUSA1640
84Kunapuli, Siddarth Sriaditya (16368693)11OHUSA1637
85Porat, Tori (16169156)11CAUSA1634
86Zafar, Faris (16646544)11TXUSA1633
=86Venkatesh, Narayan (17154243)11NJUSA1633
88Jiang, Benjamin (16280362)11FLUSA1632
89Tang, Dylan (16551237)11CAUSA1631
90Adhikari, Sunav (16633636)11OHUSA1629
91Zhou, Brian Xing (16029627)11TXUSA1627
92Gonzalez, Diego Lawrence (16462988)11TXUSA1625
93Pu, Michael (16205213)11INUSA1622
94Gao, Alexander (16306057)11TXUSA1618
95Liu, Jason L (15325166)11CAUSA1616
=95Carlson, Jericho D. (16096060)11MAUSA1616
97Zhao, Chenyu (16562181)11INUSA1615
98Madiraju, Rishi (16477316)11NJUSA1610
99Kang, Dylan Taewoong (16103622)11NYUSA1601
100Wang, Ethan (15914623)11CAUSA1598
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
