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Top Age 17 November 2019

1Checa, Nicolas De T (14129047)17NYUSA2643
2Brodsky, David (14380771)17NYUSA2579
3Balakrishnan, Praveen (14056673)17VAUSA2569
4Patel, Advait (14472386)17OKUSA2551
5Li, Ben (14679851)17MIUSA2477
6Wang, Annie (13919214)17CAUSA2440
7Taghizadeh, Rayan (13880825)17CAUSA2407
8Yu, Jennifer R (14117950)17VAUSA2396
9Zeltsan, Joseph (14684893)17NYUSA2385
10Asaria, Danial (14143035)17CAUSA2383
11Kumar, Aravind (13668844)17NJUSA2354
12Sam, Gabriel (14468457)17CAUSA2348
13Nguyen, Emily Quynh (13942431)17TXUSA2345
14Miyasaka, Marcus Ming (14026082)17NYUSA2319
15Chen, Forest (14625022)17TNUSA2318
16Titus, Andrew Lewis (14060637)17MNUSA2313
17Chiu, Isaac (14570627)17VAUSA2299
18Mcneill, Gordon James, Jr (14758653)17CAUSA2271
19Kavi, Nithin (14212491)17MAUSA2248
20Morris-Suzuki, Sophie (15542082)17NYUSA2247
21Chen, Jacob (13846270)17NYUSA2246
=21Mathur, Rithwik (15446725)17WIUSA2246
23Wan, Joseph Cheng-Yue (14023940)17IAUSA2242
24Zhang, Derek (14081435)17WAUSA2240
25Sun, Rick (14444430)17AZUSA2236
26Jain, Akshat (14540963)17COUSA2218
27Tan, Richard T (14932854)17MDUSA2211
28Do, Vincent (13666696)17ILUSA2204
29Kirumaki, Ronit (14860268)17TXUSA2203
30Xie, Luke Bohua (14160368)17WAUSA2202
=30Panda, Vedic (14997432)17GAUSA2202
32Jian, Alex (13999217)17VAUSA2198
33Hamley, Ryan Edward (14930548)17FLUSA2196
34Todfield, Dylan (15456057)17FLUSA2190
35Liu, Joanna (14090307)17AZUSA2177
36Murugappan, Ganesh (14360480)17CAUSA2164
37Ling, Evan Maxwell (14699958)17VAUSA2157
38Potula, Kapish (14114923)17GAUSA2139
39Liang, Albert J (13962125)17GAUSA2126
40Wang, Jake (14946257)17CTUSA2120
41Narayanan, Akash (14919964)17MIUSA2114
42Schenk, Sam (14675052)17VAUSA2113
43Walker, Powell (14631527)17AZUSA2107
44Takahashi, Michael John (14333301)17IAUSA2104
=44Nguyen, Darian (14751121)17AZUSA2104
46Huo, Rannon (14469403)17TXUSA2101
47Konovalenko, Sasha (14154014)17MIUSA2097
48Paganini, Xavier Nicolo (14913881)17OHUSA2095
49Hass, Kevin James (15531186)17MAUSA2089
50Palang, Warren Jesse (14236063)17TXUSA2087
51Curcio, Henry (13557700)17ILUSA2079
52Wang, Ruizhong (15400446)17NYUSA2078
53Hart, Braeden (15908270)17OHUSA2076
54Li, Marissa (14468490)17ILUSA2074
55Tong, Alexander (13968900)17NCUSA2071
=55Xu, Ryan (14101273)17VAUSA2071
57Liu, Kevin (14737573)17TXUSA2070
58Phares, Eric (15235358)17CAUSA2068
59Herman, Sara (14345441)17COUSA2060
60Triplett, Luke F (13880715)17NCUSA2057
61Suganraj, Brian (14089171)17OHUSA2055
62Fan, William G (14502963)17TXUSA2052
63Rajagopal, Adharsh (14957043)17NCUSA2051
=63Rose, Samuel Edward (15193773)17TXUSA2051
=63Cheng, Jack (15482577)17RIUSA2051
66Chin, Angelica (14687055)17NJUSA2050
67Bhatt, Anand P (13539992)17NCUSA2049
=67Tang, Michael (14374604)17CAUSA2049
69Lewis-Sandy, Joshua (14518981)17WAUSA2044
70Yang, Vicki (14973058)17NYUSA2040
71Liu, Kimberly (14268494)17CAUSA2038
72Krishnan, Aadarsh (13662666)17TXUSA2031
73Du, Jeffrey (14354251)17MDUSA2025
74Narayanan, Suhaas (14290675)17COUSA2023
75Mi, Michael (13853501)17MAUSA2016
76Eickelman, Connor (14593396)17FLUSA2015
77Xie, Nicholas Michael (14252523)17VAUSA2013
78Wang, Joseph Minen (14314542)17AZUSA2011
79Wu, Ethan (14915830)17ORUSA2008
80Duong, Ben (14901358)17CAUSA2006
81Srivatsav, Aadarsh (14822666)17TXUSA2005
82Hu, Emily Jia (14304593)17PAUSA2001
83Gulecyuz, Deniz Alp (14239832)17ILUSA1997
=83Chuang, Austin (14294898)17NCUSA1997
85Weber, Nathan (15199505)17CAUSA1991
86Daniels, Noah Montgomery (14307848)17CAUSA1990
87Senthil Kumar, Pranav (14617750)17NYUSA1989
88Chinchwadkar, Om (13796783)17CAUSA1985
89Ho, Brandon C (14688022)17CAUSA1984
90He, Harrison (14165680)17MIUSA1980
=90Hoven, Stephen (16357226)17AZUSA1980
92Wang, John (14798995)17CAUSA1976
93Wang, Julian Ching (13824196)17CTUSA1975
94Sonawane, Atharv (14932640)17TXUSA1961
95Yan, Jeffrey (13970131)17WAUSA1958
96The, Andrew (14217434)17MAUSA1952
97Goldring, Joshua (14401062)17AZUSA1949
98Chaves, Christopher Alan (13791477)17NCUSA1947
99She, Chengyue (Oscar) (15448805)17ARUSA1946
100Kalyanraman, Nikhil (14918830)17NJUSA1943
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
