Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2018 arrow May 2018

Top Age 50 and Over May 2018

1Shabalov, Alexander (12544264)50PAUSA2662
2Benjamin, Joel (10102511)54NJUSA2631
3Dlugy, Maxim (11435629)52NYUSA2618
4Kaidanov, Gregory (12543746)58KYUSA2609
5Ivanov, Alexander (12513936)62MAUSA2588
6Yermolinsky, Alex (12534917)60SDUSA2585
7De Firmian, Nick E (10469007)60CAUSA2575
8Sokolin, Leonid M (12541565)51NJUSA2554
9Kudrin, Sergey (11257585)58CTUSA2546
10Sevillano, Enrico (12650696)50CAUSA2532
11Lakdawala, Cyrus F (11486738)57CAUSA2507
12Tarjan, James Edward (10991820)66ORUSA2498
13Rohde, Michael A (10047871)58NYUSA2494
14Gurevich, Dmitry (12212800)61ILUSA2484
15Fedorowicz, John P (10604737)59NYUSA2471
16Mccambridge, Vincent (10441595)58CAUSA2467
17Peters, Jack (10011876)67CAUSA2449
18Meyer, Eugene B (10122953)65VAUSA2437
19Burnett, Ronald Wayne (12093120)50TNUSA2428
20Bonin, Jay Richard (10098327)62NYUSA2421
21Donaldson, William John (10270294)59CAUSA2415
22Morrison, William (10099277)57MDUSA2413
23Blocker, Calvin (10262160)62OHUSA2399
24Ginsburg, Mark (10172918)59AZUSA2394
25Gorman, Dov (12462633)56NJUSA2389
26Brooks, Michael A (11045685)57MOUSA2379
27Cartagena, Omar (12658037)53CAUSA2377
28Getz, Shelby D (11288499)56MDUSA2372
29Zelner, Alexander (12400396)57FLUSA2370
30Rizzitano, James A (10019656)57MAUSA2367
31Fang, Joseph H (10018790)58MAUSA2366
32Jhunjhnuwala, Krishan (12534718)55NJUSA2363
33Chase, Christopher W (10010985)61MAUSA2361
34Kaufman, Lawrence Charles (10179416)70MDUSA2360
35Beelby, Matthew Aaron (10450951)61CAUSA2357
36Whitehead, Paul (10478936)57CAUSA2355
37Castaneda, Nelson (12564228)60CTUSA2349
38Malpert, Rodney A (10374570)57CAUSA2342
39Privman, Boris (12407354)61NJUSA2334
40Taylor, Timothy W (10153557)65CAUSA2332
41Ziatdinov, Rashid (12650697)59FLUSA2331
42Winslow, Elliott Charles (10363365)65CAUSA2323
43Mc Clain, Dylan (12013830)52NYUSA2316
44Cline, John D (10171130)62CAUSA2312
45Shibut, Macon A (10195624)60VAUSA2309
46Dehmelt, Karl (10164176)60PAUSA2308
47Fischer, Tom F (12327760)60ORUSA2306
48Francis, Solomon (11354246)54PAUSA2302
49Eidemiller, Mark (10145791)59PAUSA2298
50Kelleher, William (10012571)68MAUSA2296
51Cooke, Eric (11180035)53FLUSA2284
52Watson, John L (10373638)66CAUSA2283
=52Lapan, Dan (15086151)55NYUSA2283
54Bereolos, Peter (11414966)51TNUSA2280
=54La Rota, Fabio (12514000)67FLUSA2280
56Dolgitser, Konstantin (12404173)60NYUSA2279
57Times, Lawyer (12167330)53MAUSA2276
58Stewart, Michael R (11061095)63MSUSA2274
59Joynt, Robert (10135303)63WIUSA2273
=59Baginskaite, Camilla (12716466)51SDUSA2273
61Hoffmann, Asa (10076994)75NYUSA2271
62Land, Chris K (12449564)50TXUSA2270
=62Barnakov, Yuri Anatolievich (12964843)51TNUSA2270
64Wall, Brian D (10923344)63COUSA2266
=64Sisto, Frank (11519504)50MAUSA2266
66Lunna, Todd W (10047943)67NJUSA2262
67Botta, Alejandro Felix, Dr (12740272)57MAUSA2261
68Sprenkle, David C (10357551)60MIUSA2260
=68Zlotnikov, Mikhail (11453015)68NJUSA2260
70Hayward, Keith R (10025478)61TXUSA2259
71Durham, Dan (11326111)56NVUSA2256
72Bryan, Jarod J (12431174)50MEUSA2253
73Carter, David E (10029732)59VTUSA2249
74Chabris, Christopher F (11316425)51PAUSA2247
75Ryan, Mark R (10227062)68FLUSA2246
76Schill, William J, Ii (12485766)60WAUSA2245
77Feinstein, Michael J (12026920)55TXUSA2244
78Jacobs, Jon (10098068)63NYUSA2243
=78Braden, Arthur (10498830)58CAUSA2243
80Mc Kenna, Geoff (10187664)58VAUSA2242
81Eckert, Doug D (12107920)53MOUSA2241
82Roberts, Troy Alan (10181798)61MDUSA2240
=82Colure, Thomas Sean (12002400)52NJUSA2240
84Johnson, Joel F (10009596)62AZUSA2236
85Forman, Gary Robert (10103380)70NYUSA2233
=85Hulsey, Mark Allen (10492718)60OKUSA2233
=85Thompson, Dexter (11306195)57APUSA2233
=85Resika, Nathan (12444347)57NYUSA2233
89Murthy, Pappu Ln (11038824)68OHUSA2232
90Gilden, Larry (10170184)75MDUSA2231
=90Perez, Ignacio (12689583)51WAUSA2231
92Haessler, Carl A (10503892)58ORUSA2230
93Gertler, David (10062632)56DEUSA2229
=93Fielding, Paul T (10068983)67PAUSA2229
=93Katz, Michael S (12699061)71NJUSA2229
96Marcelino, William (12423786)57VAUSA2227
=96Treger, Yefim (12656884)61NYUSA2227
98Chasin, Tod S (10057256)56NJUSA2226
=98Martinak, Tom M (10140447)61PAUSA2226
=98Luther, Ronald G (10365007)59MOUSA2226
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
