Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2018 arrow April 2018

Top Girls Age 16 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation April 2018

1Yu, Jennifer R (14117950)16VAUSA2406
2Devagharan, Devina (13917532)16TXUSA2132
3Konovalenko, Sasha (14154014)16MIUSA2046
4Sevilla, Julia (14427395)16CAUSA2045
5Hunt, Fikirte (14654818)16NYUSA2027
6Liu, Miranda (14042343)16ILUSA2026
7Davis, Katherine Shaw (14381402)16NHUSA2007
8Trakru, Priya Nikita (13806686)16TXUSA1979
9Kao, Camille Y (14297024)16TXUSA1974
10Wang, Constance Z (14689747)16ONCAN1959
11Chatterjee, Trina (14761127)16CAUSA1913
12Zhou, Lily (14771956)16ONCAN1880
13Cao-Dao, Vivian (13885053)16VAUSA1856
14Kon, Brigette (14332307)16NYUSA1848
15Show, Serafina (13964624)16CAUSA1836
16Ravishankar, Ramitha Sai (14382316)16NJUSA1826
17Chu, Kaitlyn (14139724)16CAUSA1816
18Chen, Meng Nan (14820366)16NYUSA1800
19Pattanaik, Neha (14504488)16VAUSA1776
20Friedman, Gloria (14688881)16MNUSA1770
21Ma, Samantha (15355920)16OHUSA1742
22Dong, Jessica (15384671)16CAUSA1730
23Luo, Maggie (14065881)16VAUSA1726
24Senthil, Swathi (13729744)16PAUSA1717
25Sinha, Sonal (14613907)16MNUSA1701
26Bao, Yuliang Eunice (14037652)16TXUSA1693
27Lin, Ada (15225628)16CAUSA1676
28Paxton, Shimera (14531300)16TNUSA1649
29Castro, Bria (14401014)16AZUSA1619
30Graveling, Esther Ruth (14980578)16ALUSA1577
31Lopez, Mia Rose (15013567)16NCUSA1553
32Zhu, Yining (15471776)16TXUSA1535
33Garza, Ariel Francis (13806582)16TXUSA1526
34Bhat, Puja Prashant (15107027)16TXUSA1514
35Carson, Sarah Faith (13539216)16IAUSA1503
36Marks, Susanna (15139348)16SDUSA1489
37Le, Tu (16150798)16TXUSA1481
38De Credico, Zsofia (13697746)16TNUSA1463
39Rafferty, Nicole (15209572)16NCUSA1413
40Menon, Samia (15361380)16OHUSA1412
41Xue, Helen (14800205)16NYUSA1385
42Erdenebileg, Enkhjin (15616172)16CAUSA1376
43Atluri, Harika (15211408)16CAUSA1358
44Soori, Rose E (14912212)16NDUSA1337
45Benjamin, Tiarra (15599272)16PAUSA1328
46Chedia, Anna (14176908)16PAUSA1275
47Lutz, Isabell Isis (15130657)16NYUSA1252
48Thangavel, Sanmati (13807831)16IAUSA1226
49Weaver, Alicia (14849808)16NYUSA1198
50Lu, Emily (14711522)16CAUSA1195
51Babaria, Niyati Rakesh (15590313)16TXUSA1194
52Gonzalez, Jolie Marie (14969471)16TXUSA1166
53Pena, Helen (14523975)16NYUSA1155
54Flores, Victoria I (13775545)16TXUSA1151
55Bambot, Sakina (14369720)16CAUSA1131
56Saylor, Zia (16090390)16CAUSA1096
57Delgado, Victoria E (13795821)16TXUSA1082
58Tang, Zhengxin-Cindy (15491716)16ILUSA1076
59Hernandez, Victoria A (14537410)16TXUSA1069
60Cooper, Olivia Hope (15519833)16ORUSA1068
61Iyer, Aditi (15172473)16COUSA1048
62Satyanarayan, Chitra (15094213)16UTUSA1038
63Shah, Ruchi (16062752)16NJUSA1027
64Kamtekar, Saey (15195660)16UTUSA1003
65Gonzalez, Isabella (15025528)16NYUSA991
66Kueck, Erin Marie (14913744)16ALUSA944
67Borzillo, Sophia (14716733)16FLUSA943
68Ford-Mcknight, Madison Ivy (14972281)16PAUSA940
69Mishra, Aiushe (15985555)16CAUSA934
70Harris, Rachelle (15260503)16TXUSA932
71Calidas, Aashna (16085431)16CAUSA923
72Reyes, Amelinda A (13529362)16TXUSA913
73Dasari, Sree (15704223)16RIUSA912
74Lichliter, Lyla (15584655)16MNUSA908
75Bentrup, Heidi M (15221474)16INUSA887
76Selligman, Lillian G (13871362)16MOUSA883
=76Thadani, Lavina (14686878)16ILUSA883
78Sada, Analisa Maria (14582918)16INUSA867
79Chryst, Bailey (14391215)16TXUSA860
80Kras, Sophie (14774810)16MOUSA858
81Isaac, Faith (14994563)16ILUSA856
82Dougherty, Isabel (15728791)16OHUSA850
83Moreno, Yatziri (14888927)16INUSA829
=83Lysenko, Sofiya (16162132)16PAUSA829
85Ankam, Aneesha D (14958486)16ALUSA802
86Kafer, Tori Elizabeth (13852885)16ILUSA790
=86Voliber, Alyssa (15495312)16TXUSA790
88Larson, Angel (14764724)16SDUSA774
89Strauss, Emma Talcott (14159686)16CTUSA767
90Seyyadri, Jayalakshmi (15314371)16NHUSA721
91Gupta, Monica (15469535)16FLUSA703
92Hipolito, Anateresa (15929386)16TXUSA693
93Rapoport, Reilly (15438265)16COUSA671
94Christensen, Thailyia Rayne (14284782)16MIUSA665
95Tamosaitis, Wynter (16100973)16TXUSA602
96Proffitt, Douglass E (14774448)16MOUSA476
97Cook, Katie (14290921)16OHUSA367
98Binu, Namitha (15425672)16MNUSA295
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
