Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2018 arrow April 2018

Top Quick Age 50 and Over regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation April 2018

1Dlugy, Maxim (11435629)52NYUSA2642
2Sokolin, Leonid M (12541565)51NJUSA2604
3Benjamin, Joel (10102511)54NJUSA2542
4Matamoros, Carlos (12650698)51CAECU2530
5Ivanov, Alexander (12513936)61MAUSA2519
6Sevillano, Enrico (12650696)50CAUSA2507
7Kudrin, Sergey (11257585)58CTUSA2450
8Donaldson, William John (10270294)59CAUSA2440
9Mezentsev, Vladimir (12650876)58CARUS2438
10Gurevich, Dmitry (12212800)61ILUSA2403
11Rohde, Michael A (10047871)58NYUSA2400
12Lakdawala, Cyrus F (11486738)57CAUSA2392
13Blocker, Calvin (10262160)62OHUSA2391
14Burnett, Ronald Wayne (12093120)50TNUSA2359
15Rizzitano, James A (10019656)57MAUSA2355
16Mccambridge, Vincent (10441595)58CAUSA2354
17Brooks, Michael A (11045685)56MOUSA2341
18Gorman, Dov (12462633)55NJUSA2337
=18Ortiz, Eduardo N (12712875)60CAPHI2337
20Cline, John D (10171130)61CAUSA2310
21Bereolos, Peter (11414966)51TNUSA2307
22Bonin, Jay Richard (10098327)62NYUSA2291
=22Stewart, Michael R (11061095)62MSUSA2291
24Perez, Emmanuel (12536285)55CAPHI2289
25Koepcke, Richard W (10493269)58CAUSA2278
26Hayward, Keith R (10025478)61TXUSA2273
27Dandridge, Marvin (10349095)61ILUSA2236
=27Castaneda, Nelson (12564228)59CTUSA2236
29Dehmelt, Karl (10164176)60PAUSA2235
30Pendergast, Michael (12457204)54ORUSA2232
=30Kudryavtsev, Vadim (13315303)50CARUS2232
32Eidemiller, Mark (10145791)59PAUSA2224
33Kaufman, Lawrence Charles (10179416)70MDUSA2219
34Hoffmann, Asa (10076994)75NYUSA2214
35Savage, Allan G (10014999)66MDUSA2212
=35Duckworth, William (10436702)63CAUSA2212
37Kelleher, William (10012571)68MAUSA2206
38Young, Angelo (12559845)54ILPHI2205
39Chase, Christopher W (10010985)61MAUSA2203
40Bryan, Jarod J (12431174)50MEUSA2202
41Singson, Melandro (12847790)56CAUSA2201
42Dubeck, Leroy W (10061083)79NJUSA2200
=42Cusi, Ronald (12455815)56CAUSA2200
44Kosokin, Valeriy (15212732)57IAUZB2197
45Britt, Thomas J (10273803)55OHUSA2194
46Lower, Spencer R (10421985)58AZUSA2187
47Winslow, Elliott Charles (10363365)65CAUSA2186
48Cartagena, Omar (12658037)53CAUSA2182
49Weiss, Mitchell J (10305756)61IAUSA2180
50Lunna, Todd W (10047943)67NJUSA2178
=50Privman, Boris (12407354)60NJUSA2178
52Smith, Larry L (10447496)62CAUSA2173
53Jones, Craig W (11264239)57NCUSA2167
54Colure, Thomas Sean (12002400)52NJUSA2164
=54Seward, Steven C (12108230)59OHUSA2164
=54Land, Chris K (12449564)50TXUSA2164
57Johnson, Joel F (10009596)62AZUSA2158
=57Barnakov, Yuri Anatolievich (12964843)51TNUSA2158
59Simms, Gary (10403227)76TXUSA2157
=59Cooke, Eric (11180035)53FLUSA2157
61Salakhutdinov, Ildar (12985971)54CARUS2155
62Shure, Gary M (10110793)62CTUSA2153
63Brooks, John (10294380)72MIUSA2150
=63Schoenfeld, Gabriel (12416942)62CTUSA2150
65Baker, Bruce (11323634)65CAUSA2148
66Casten, Frederick J (10102570)78NVUSA2146
67Richard, Robert W (10061393)70CAUSA2145
=67Kwartler, Lonnie S (10086795)74NYUSA2145
69Sisto, Frank (11519504)50MAUSA2142
=69Zildzic, Kenan (12622875)69CABIH2142
71Lapan, Dan (15086151)55NYUSA2140
72Wright, William B (12462971)55OHUSA2137
73Schoonmaker, Nicholas (11270972)55AZUSA2136
=73Schut, Han (12745624)53FLNED2136
75Thompson, Dexter (11306195)57APUSA2134
76Gilden, Larry (10170184)75MDUSA2130
77Gibbins, Wilson K (10202825)61MNUSA2126
78Diebert, Charles M (10269181)63OHUSA2125
79Times, Lawyer (12167330)53MAUSA2123
80Umstead, Glenn (11304001)57NJUSA2121
=80Botta, Alejandro Felix, Dr (12740272)57MAUSA2121
82Pensoneau, Chris (10387493)59CAUSA2120
=82Gomez, Victor (12008780)54TXUSA2120
=82Tkatchouk, Vladimir (13218683)58CAUSA2120
85Koganov, Mikhail (12656022)50CTUSA2118
86Lipman, Vladimir (12772384)68NJUSA2117
87Martinak, Tom M (10140447)61PAUSA2116
88Wall, Brian D (10923344)63COUSA2115
89Curdo, John A (10009201)86MAUSA2114
90Cunningham, Robin Joseph (11475388)52NCUSA2113
91Carter, David E (10029732)59VTUSA2112
=91Phillips, Rene W (11489052)57LAUSA2112
93Harris, Neal D (10211191)61NCUSA2110
=93Durham, Dan (11326111)56NVUSA2110
95Connell, Richard G (10420636)54UTUSA2109
96Marinello, Beatriz (12537449)53NYUSA2106
97Luther, Ronald G (10365007)59MOUSA2105
98Pohl, Klaus A (10214033)81SCUSA2104
99Stephens, Mark (10380758)62VAUSA2102
100Chernov, Andrey (12920656)61MNUSA2101
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
