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Top Girls Age 18 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation October 2017

1Virkud, Apurva (13464694)18MIUSA2242
2Liao, Simone (13228302)18PAUSA2230
3Bykovtsev, Agata (13711887)18CAUSA2215
4Nguyen, Thanh Thuy Tien (16219014)18AZVIE2181
5Oreshko, Maryia (13494590)18NJUSA2162
6Xiang, Evan (12966415)18TXUSA2089
7Mcgrew, Clara (13377446)18MIUSA2068
8Songco, Florizelle (13865332)18NYUSA1967
9Palang, Caissa (13814891)18TXUSA1952
10Wing, Emma (13438875)18AZGER1898
11Li, Dexin (14089756)18NYUSA1881
12Kleidermacher, Lauren (14339851)18FLUSA1869
13Moolten, Shira Simone (13200585)18PAUSA1849
14Papanek, Ella Sharpe (13796480)18NYUSA1846
15Mcgreen, Maya (12937601)18NYUSA1801
16Smith, Aviva B (13283813)18GAUSA1797
17Alter, Deanna (14431124)18COUSA1776
18Morejon, Helen (15058095)18FLCUB1750
19Simos, Bethany Michelle (13520005)18ILUSA1738
20Mcgreen, Mariah (12939578)18NYUSA1701
21Zhang, Jane (13817398)18NYUSA1668
22Brown, Sarah (13737001)18TXUSA1622
23Ravishankar, Rakshaa (14382301)18NJUSA1604
24Sossan, Katherine (13557626)18NYUSA1561
25Guillen, Brianna (13005737)18TXUSA1552
26Feeley, Alexandra (15038332)18NYUSA1513
27Ray, Bethany (13552855)18NCUSA1467
28Pattanaik, Anjali (14504473)18VAUSA1451
29Marte, Yazmeen (14158917)18NYUSA1379
30Arustamian, Kate (14095812)18WAUSA1346
31Gish, Katherine Elizabeth (16002354)18PAUSA1343
32Leos, Emily (14264993)18TXUSA1253
33Cuate, Edeli (14096560)18NYUSA1236
34Mctague, Kassi (15233970)18NYUSA1169
35Camarda, Diane Emilie (15187942)18KSUSA1158
36Hodina, Regan E (12981261)18IAUSA1156
37Ross, Maya M (15690023)18ILUSA1148
38Marzen, Brittney (15389050)18PAUSA1097
39Godage, Binu Devangi (13567398)18KYUSA1092
40Balkas, Esra (14106683)18NCUSA1078
41Alba-Jimenez, Sandra Michelle (14151323)18TXUSA1065
42Ford, Miriam E (14190216)18OKUSA971
43Rivas, Cristina (13773596)18TXUSA970
44Bonnell, Katlyn (13419970)18INUSA968
45Shah, Perima (21027957)18INUSA933
46Thilmany, Elizabeth (15310644)18COUSA914
47Reece, Madison Taylor (13618568)18FLUSA908
48Guzman, Vanessa Renee (13245380)18TXUSA898
49Reyna, Jacklyn Marie (13320277)18TXUSA773
50Roberson, Sydney (15410066)18ILUSA764
51Doty, Emily (15414871)18NVUSA763
52Brown, Deandrea (16020194)18GAUSA734
53Alvarez, Anna M (13762815)18TXUSA730
54Montelongo, Evelyn (16111293)18TXUSA719
55Vigil, Crissy (14758448)18IAUSA714
56Knee, Lesley-Ann (15245780)18COUSA683
57Koehler, Kaitlan Grace (14954916)18GAUSA667
58Morales, Lidia Alissa (15553783)18TXUSA656
59Villalpando, Lindsey (15265557)18TXUSA633
60Ramirez, Jasmin (15644148)18ILUSA629
61Marz, Leanna Rose (14952753)18GAUSA614
62Buenrostro, Elizabeth (15541691)18GAUSA557
63Murphy, Juliette (15686727)18NYUSA545
64Wedel, Krysta M (14653616)18KSUSA538
65Coker, Macy (15500218)18GAUSA511
66Andrews, Katherine E (14661658)18VAUSA474
67Parker, Laura M (14585182)18MSUSA456
68Spivey, Rosalee L (15843334)18GAUSA372
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
