Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2016 arrow October 2016

Top Quick Women Age 50 and Over October 2016

1Marinello, Beatriz (12537449)52NYUSA2132
2Root, Alexey Wilhelmina (10374651)51TXUSA1945
3Teasley, Dorothy (10074258)75NYUSA1873
4Dimitrijevic, Vesna (12436451)64MAUSA1839
5Christiansen, Natasha C (11366805)54MAUSA1748
6Alarie, Donna (12447542)59MAUSA1613
7O'Neill, Julia (10457262)67TXUSA1611
8Naylor, Carla (11178464)50VAUSA1609
9Wright, Polly P (11041957)62NYUSA1600
10Gasser, Katharine B (10010411)69MAUSA1576
11Carson, Anthea Jane (12614322)51COUSA1572
12Schlich, Joan H (10212987)77VAUSA1500
13Jenkins, Sandra (12542946)62MDUSA1482
14Nunn, Amy C (12519934)57KYUSA1475
15Zelner, Catherine, Dr (12568602)57FLUSA1446
16Hodgson, Valerie (11441769)63ALUSA1445
17Hill, Brenda (10584477)75SCUSA1435
18Richards, Kathy E (12508264)59MEUSA1398
19Kaufman, Karen Shirley (12682629)60CAUSA1345
20Olsen, Marti (12779325)52UTUSA1298
21Childress, Carmen (12800992)58CAUSA1263
22Hoffman, Sandra R (10318033)69WIUSA1238
23Davies, Ann (12708563)59COUSA1206
24Cooper, Elizabeth (13064295)55NMUSA1173
=24D'Aquin, Leila A (14194534)54LAUSA1173
26Mc Intosh, Helene (13003526)69NYUSA1165
27Woolsey, Beverly (12493822)78CAUSA1143
28Moser, Grace (14701478)65NYUSA1122
29Jamison, Helen (12779010)59TXUSA1112
30Wanek, Ellen Ann (14569155)65WIUSA1110
31Nordick, Christina (14689046)53ILUSA1106
32Herman, Shirley (14812654)56COUSA1093
33Lamont, Olga A (12914777)62TXUSA1089
34Leung, Florence (12558126)64NYUSA1068
35Boyd, Karen (15632935)50GAUSA1063
36Romero, Annabelle (11443834)57NMUSA1034
37Thorpe, Maret (13483913)54ILUSA985
38Martin, Jacqueline (14726531)53NJUSA964
39Rosenfeld, Ellen (14530396)57NCUSA938
40Otterbach, Renate (14565208)61CAUSA920
41Clayton, Stephanie J (13863430)56KYUSA914
42Schneider, Kathy A (12545281)66COUSA906
43Gialanella, Elizabeth M (15491990)52NYUSA876
44Ogle, Jennifer (14440807)51TNUSA833
45Morin, Lois J (14239936)83MEUSA720
46Brosky, Debra A (12588700)62OHUSA571
47Rosales, Guadalupe L (13487290)52CAUSA426
48Buxbaum, Sarah G (14907447)52MSUSA349
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
