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Top Girls Age 18 January 2016

1Chiang, Sarah (13091081)18TXUSA2257
2Lampman, Becca (13656505)18WAUSA2132
3Munoz, Claudia E (13481236)18TXUSA2083
4Peters, Epiphany M (12937939)18TNUSA2064
5Poteat, Lilia Meilan (12920065)18NYUSA2037
6Xiang, Ellen (21029572)18TXUSA1979
7Xu, Yue Penny (13533641)18ILUSA1966
8Ravi, Saisree (13334345)18MNUSA1929
9Wyzywany, Annastasia Marie (13984743)18LAUSA1925
10Ascherman, Sarah Huguette (12915498)18NYUSA1872
11Harihara, Caeley (13412082)18ILUSA1753
12Weishaar, Rachel (14222716)18TNUSA1746
13Kim, Madeline H (13328871)18MDUSA1704
14Erabelli, Saroja (12932122)18VAUSA1703
15Naccarato, Savanna (14207292)18IDUSA1699
16Denniston, Brittany L (14196264)18NYUSA1652
17Flanagan, Sophia R (12930012)18NYUSA1637
18Bian, Victoria (13389571)18ILUSA1633
19Ulrich, Anne E (13498420)18WIUSA1629
20Negus, Claire (13445578)18CAUSA1603
21Nag, Amrita (12932990)18COUSA1588
=21Treiman, Lauren (13190697)18UTUSA1588
23Hasan, Sharika (13312194)18NYUSA1465
24Stanescu-Bellu, Sofia Adina (14882954)18MIUSA1463
25Austin, Sidnei Lynette (13883700)18MIUSA1459
26Olvera, Georgia (13227926)18TXUSA1399
27Riley, Hailey (13694877)18ORUSA1380
28Salzgeber, Karen Elizabeth (13580210)18MSUSA1368
29Nunamaker, Alexa Leigh (14320661)18PAUSA1345
30Gellert, Isabel (13399520)18TNUSA1338
31Zhao, Wanchen (15135084)18WAUSA1302
32Allen, Elena (13954131)18ORUSA1291
33Shenker, Sabrina Tess (14114510)18CAUSA1183
34D'Alonzo, Jovanna (14457216)18NYUSA1162
35Mccranie, Anne (12922915)18GAUSA974
=35Mcelhinney, Amber Lynn (15063644)18PAUSA974
37Eismann, Gabrielle (14429763)18OHUSA830
38Perkins, Sarai (13640817)18ORUSA795
39Thompson, Aubrey (15523913)18KYUSA428
40Szarek, Zephanie (14774543)18ILUSA330
41Baker, Morgan (15497131)18KYUSA154
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
