Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2016 arrow January 2016

Top Girls Age 7 and Under regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation January 2016

1Li, Rachael (15452300)5TXUSA1184
2Pollard, Teja (15319822)7NYUSA1127
3Benjamin, Rai, Anna (15435286)7NCUSA1090
4Rajaram, Anika (15446678)7CAUSA1088
5Mcnutt, Kaitlynn Lee (15193238)7TXUSA1030
=5Gao, Tianwen (15616020)7TXUSA1030
7Nguyen, Chance (15648576)7VAUSA946
8Wen, Kally (15444268)7CAUSA923
9Chu, Joy (15404351)7CAUSA886
10Tan, Patricia (15670757)6OHUSA858
11Mou, Iris Zhaoying (15794244)6NYUSA854
12Saravanan, Sahithya (15476814)6CAUSA848
13Nozaki, Maya (15423188)7NYUSA837
14Lavin, Lia Ningxin (15489387)6CTUSA836
15Sen, Anya (15453716)7NJUSA832
16Ralph, Sofia (15237533)7NYUSA822
17Nam, Lauren (15324576)7NYUSA815
18Velea, Sophie (15695207)7WAUSA813
19Huston, Louisa (15171250)7NYUSA778
20Mlynar, Seraphina Jacox (15592634)7NYUSA738
21Burton, Erica (15145713)7NYUSA736
22Ramson, Sarah (15196883)6DCUSA718
23Morden, Simone (15515206)7NYUSA712
24Mihaylov, Erika Allison (15499295)7NJUSA707
25Melgarejo, Paulina (14967542)7TXUSA701
26Knowles, Isabelle (15502676)7COUSA693
27Nair, Pallavi (15358020)7TXUSA671
28Trimble, Elise (15038181)7KYUSA670
29Parasuraman, Saghana (15281928)7MIUSA650
30Peng, Sophia (15388591)7AZUSA647
31Ryals, Lucy Elizabeth (15593224)7FLUSA642
32Nieto, Kiana E (15496603)7TXUSA637
33Tan, Sophie (15734491)7NEUSA627
34Pi, Lianna (15226307)7NYUSA609
35Carlson, Hana (15607843)6NYUSA605
36Martinez, Erika Beatriz (15225682)7TXUSA590
37Qiang, Jenny (15589405)7AZUSA586
38Potu, Sahana (15350160)7MDUSA571
39Tracy, Mary Elisabeth (15621825)6NCUSA566
40Veeramachaneni, Veeksha (15763256)6VAUSA547
41Schaefer, Madeline Katherine (15521916)7NCUSA542
=41Prizant, Rachel (15790571)7NYUSA542
43Berman, Karen Levana (15696023)6NYUSA538
44Chamaria, Vedika (15618602)7TXUSA537
45Pi, Selina (15439761)6NYUSA535
46Yeh, Madeline (15231554)7TXUSA529
47Vasquez, Natasha (15318793)7AZUSA527
48Belakovsky, Ariela (14701181)7AZUSA514
49Pyle, Liliana (15490280)6CAUSA500
50Wang, Caroline Alexandra (15237774)7ALUSA499
51Smith, Sophia (15358695)7AZUSA498
52Skarabot, Lia (15518652)6NYUSA485
53Merchant, Penelope (15551367)6NYUSA484
54Millstone, Francie (15617347)7NYUSA478
=54Roso, Ela (15696944)7NYUSA478
56Barajas, Sophia (15428268)7TXUSA476
57Wille, Cecilia (15005656)7ILUSA430
58Guha, Uma (15517334)6NYUSA421
59Dharmapurikar, Shriya (15436693)7NCUSA414
=59Hansen, Ane (15606813)7CAUSA414
61Kaur, Jind (15724996)5WIUSA407
62Kinder, Maria (15343026)7KSUSA403
63Gomboluudev, Anujin (15585670)6CAUSA398
64Murphy, Sofia (15246590)7AZUSA392
65Boyce, Jazmin (15623115)6AZUSA389
66Sosa, Yvannia (15556364)7TXUSA384
67Rutkoske, Reese (15722648)6NYUSA378
68Morris, Vandana (15277958)7NYUSA372
69Chudnovsky, Michelle (15433981)7MAUSA365
70Korff, Sarah (15556254)7NYUSA363
71Murphy, Lucy Linh (15332136)7NCUSA359
72Morden, Rose (15644772)6NYUSA160
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
