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Top Girls Age 16 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation January 2016

1Bykovtsev, Agata (13711887)16CAUSA2239
2Liao, Simone (13228302)16CAUSA2235
3Oreshko, Maryia (13494590)16NJUSA2056
4Ding, Kimberly (13218531)16NJUSA2046
5Xiang, Evan (12966415)16TXUSA2021
6Zilajeva, Veronika (15229376)16OKLAT1960
7Songco, Florizelle (13865332)16NYUSA1920
8Kleidermacher, Lauren (14339851)16FLUSA1916
9Zhao, Annie (13473022)16TXUSA1882
10Li, Sophia (13713355)16CAUSA1851
11Li, Dexin (14089756)16NYUSA1836
12Wing, Emma E (13438875)16AZUSA1829
13Moolten, Shira (13200585)16PAUSA1815
14Papanek, Ella Sharpe (13796480)16NYUSA1805
15Venkataraman, Sara (13258207)16TXUSA1789
16Smith, Aviva B (13283813)16GAUSA1749
17Tao, Rachel (13789655)16ONCAN1739
18Morejon, Helen (15058095)16FLCUB1677
19Alter, Deanna (14431124)16COUSA1672
20Huang, Alena (13713450)16WIUSA1661
21Zhang, Jane (13817398)16NYUSA1637
22Denniston, Courtney L (14196270)16NYUSA1629
23Ravishankar, Rakshaa (14382301)16NJUSA1589
24Su, Meiyi (14028747)16TXUSA1585
25Shetty, Shreya A (14029322)16VAUSA1581
26Klevak, Nastasia (14313643)16NJUSA1559
27Brown, Sarah (13737001)16TXUSA1542
28Feeley, Alexandra (15038332)16NYUSA1533
29Sossan, Katherine (13557626)16NYUSA1530
30Wyzywany, Amelia Florence (13984737)16LAUSA1501
31Chen, Evelyn (13547567)16GAUSA1491
32Ray, Bethany (13552855)16NCUSA1472
33Balasubramanian, Ajitha (12976831)16VAUSA1457
=33Stepanova, Natalia (15278952)16MDUSA1457
35Saycocie, Vanisa (14211042)16WIUSA1452
36Schoonover, Logan Kaylee (14163285)16COUSA1373
37Arustamian, Kate (14095812)16WAUSA1319
38Kim, Charlotte M (13328886)16MDUSA1278
39Young, Sarah (13990987)16CAUSA1228
40Moya, Savannah (14038215)16TXUSA1177
41Rati, Jahnavi (14007260)16CAUSA1175
=41Wang, Sophia (Ke Xin) (14158703)16NYUSA1175
43Godage, Binu Devangi (13567398)16KYUSA1122
44Bobovich, Alice Jane (14212155)16PAUSA1098
45Balkas, Esra (14106683)16NCUSA1083
46Hobbs, Kiana (14895600)16ILUSA1052
47Dada, Natasha (15313671)16MDUSA1010
48Mctague, Kassi (15233970)16NYUSA998
49Ford, Miriam E (14190216)16OKUSA958
50Fraley, Dana Fay (14198166)16VAUSA956
51Lichty, Jenna Elizabeth (14330281)16MNUSA938
52Mendez, Brianna A (13051517)16TXUSA909
53Leone, Terilyn Helen (13496423)16TXUSA907
54Gregory, Le'Andra (15125271)16MIUSA820
55Krishnan, Madhumitha (13458052)16CAUSA799
56Vigil, Crissy (14758448)16IAUSA746
57Cirillo, Enya (13972096)16NYUSA528
58Biggert, Sarah (14161074)16NMUSA487
59Vang, Pakue (15532352)16WIUSA351
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
