Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2016 arrow February 2016

Top Blitz Senior regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation February 2016

1Hoffmann, Asa (10076994)72NYUSA2326
2Peysakhovich, Vitaly A (12564026)85NJUSA2303
3Kelleher, William (10012571)66MAUSA2284
4Dubeck, Leroy W (10061083)76NJUSA2283
5Murthy, Pappu (11038824)66OHUSA2237
=5Zildzic, Kenan (12622875)67CABIH2237
7La Rota, Fabio (12514000)65FLUSA2231
=7Katz, Michael S (12699061)68NJUSA2231
9Gilden, Larry C (10170184)73MDUSA2230
10Kaufman, Lawrence Charles (10179416)68MDUSA2227
11Pohl, Klaus A (10214033)78SCUSA2190
12Tennant, Steven (10341752)67ILUSA2127
13Zisman, Boris (12541759)74MDUSA2100
14Jabali, Ron W (12642119)68CAUSA2091
15Fletcher, David H (10420083)65AZUSA2085
16Levin, Anatoly (12602344)67MAUSA2072
17Polyakin, Vladimir (12287160)70NYUSA2037
18Birguer, Alexandre (15057071)67CAUSA2035
19Forman, Gary Robert (10103380)68NYUSA2033
20Lu, Bernard (12556949)66CAUSA2032
21Grant, Douglas M (10099170)73NHUSA2026
22Cohen, Harry (12422008)71MDUSA2009
23Santillan, Carlos (11032095)69COUSA2005
24Wieder, Mark A (10074886)65NJUSA2004
25Rutar, Vinko (12683857)65PAUSA1995
26Kearse, Gregory Sashi (12284680)66MDUSA1974
27Anderson, Michael Gene (10471133)66CAUSA1966
28Heifetz, Michael (13855445)65CAUSA1956
29Brown, Wilbert A (12547003)66MDUSA1951
30Horsboll, Eric (10661935)72NYUSA1946
31Yousif, Abduljabbar (15151131)69NYUSA1933
32Khan, Wazeer Ahmad (14806838)68CAIND1932
33Gedeon, Richard (10264022)68OHUSA1922
=33Burton, Timothy E (10311853)67WIUSA1922
35Fisher, Craig W (10124743)72NYUSA1910
36Moore, Sherwood (12394525)65MTUSA1899
37Hough, Randall D (10461138)69CAUSA1894
38Yavari, Paul (12623693)70MDUSA1887
39Regan, Neil (10468892)70CAUSA1875
40Fernandez, Oswaldo (12538170)84CTUSA1866
41Hucks, Lewis A (10183626)83MDUSA1865
42Voje, Daniel W (10318637)66MNUSA1859
43Matson, Dave E (10456592)68CAUSA1854
44Bond, Robert M (10227518)75WAUSA1845
45Coronel, Gilbert A (11054650)66CAUSA1844
46Paciulli, Frank (11017134)72NYUSA1843
47Charnov, Bruce Hirschl (14453255)69CAUSA1837
48Morris, Buddy Raymond (12425168)65CAUSA1833
49Pedersen, Lars (11096182)69NVUSA1823
50Brudno, Stephen (10017734)73MAUSA1810
51Chagrin, Stuart J (10593743)72SCUSA1808
=51Travis, Steve (12522784)67KSUSA1808
53Polese, Thomas Arthur (12600596)71PAUSA1797
54Macneil, James C (12532599)66COUSA1784
55Rokeach, Norman (12407542)74NYUSA1766
56Brooks, L Gordon (10434254)72CAUSA1762
57Martinez, Alberto (12490535)70NJUSA1760
58Campers, Willie, Jr (12718130)68CAUSA1759
59Sloan, Sam (11115292)71NYUSA1757
60Pole, Charles J (10044316)70NCUSA1752
61Moody, Kenneth (11314252)67GAUSA1751
62Mansigian, Joseph (10031621)68CTUSA1745
63Selenoi, Peter A (10265096)85OHUSA1742
64Ebarb, Henry A (10423139)75AZUSA1740
65Jayson, Mitchell (12760074)67CAUSA1728
66Guehl, David (10273056)65OHUSA1726
67Kampia, Robert (10166187)74PAUSA1718
68Beydler, John (11363121)69IAUSA1708
69Peterson, David Norman (12442267)66NVUSA1704
70Dusza, Richard Stephen (12586262)69RIUSA1702
71Mendez, George (12551793)68NYUSA1698
72Schnitzler, Gabor J (10104874)79NYUSA1681
73Italie, Ralph (10092019)86NYUSA1680
74Hamilton, Brett B (10081262)78IDUSA1679
75Sowell, Nelson M (11103405)65CAUSA1677
=75Lewis, W David (12553468)70NMUSA1677
77Weaver, Gerald E (10889227)70OHUSA1666
78Gross, Dale M (12685444)73MTUSA1659
79Mattson, Marvin N (12537044)71WIUSA1645
80Bland, Mark (12519454)67VAUSA1633
=80Zhevelyuk, Boris (12847260)81RIUSA1633
82Smythe, Bill (10339022)72ILUSA1617
=82Ellison, Victor M (10368987)72MOUSA1617
84Djordjevic, Vladimir (12476396)80ILUSA1605
85Usiskin, Clive (10065551)82NJUSA1602
86Hall, Finis Keith (11157076)72TXUSA1597
87Sylvander, Dana N (10054028)70NJUSA1572
=87Rimpel, Louis H (11289258)73TXUSA1572
89Marcus, Neil (11100970)67NYUSA1569
90Walton, John (14800390)69NYUSA1561
91Giarrusso, Louis (12547465)92RIUSA1560
92Nasvytis, Victor (12511350)85OHUSA1551
93Knuth, Roy (10325072)72MNUSA1549
94Thomas, David J (12776334)65MAUSA1547
95Moyer, Willard G (12639787)74PAUSA1532
96Funk, Donald (10165784)78PAUSA1531
97Halm, Immanuel (10263841)75OHUSA1501
98Campion, William J (10156599)73PAUSA1475
99Skidmore, Michael (10296684)67MIUSA1463
100Katz, Rosalyn (12003230)72NCUSA1462
=100Weyland, Ron (12657609)74IDUSA1462
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
