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Top Age 8 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation July 2015

1Polavaram, Rithik Sai (14621150)8TXUSA2028
2Wang, Jason Yuyang (15162675)8OHUSA2026
3Yu, Jason (14759436)8WAUSA1979
4Chasin, Nico Werner (14955471)8NYUSA1942
5Yoo, Christopher Woojin (15244943)8CAUSA1864
6Shibata, Robert Shintaro (14949456)8NYUSA1849
7Prem, Pranav (14835271)8VAUSA1822
8Zhang, Eric M (14668426)8WAUSA1811
9Hua, Charles (14763433)8NYUSA1795
10Zong, Davis, Jr (14980186)8NYUSA1789
11Justice, Drew (14561797)8GAUSA1775
12Xu, Arthur Zihan (14968896)8ILUSA1770
13Jin, Derek (15200352)8MAUSA1769
14Vanapalli, Vishnu (15013525)8NCUSA1747
15Kumar, Naman (14982397)8FLUSA1746
16Vu, Leonard (15005368)8CAUSA1735
17Shlionsky, Aryeh Leib (15018365)8NJUSA1734
18Oh, James Youngji (15146868)8NYUSA1715
19Zhao, Derek Chubo (15131158)8MAUSA1713
20Gospodinov, Antony Timotey (14968016)8FLUSA1709
21Tian, Eddy (15249281)8NJUSA1705
22Lu, Ming (15211462)8CAUSA1701
23Murgescu, Adi (14979367)8NYUSA1680
24Nachiappan, Aghilan (15451731)8CAUSA1636
25Hood, Avery (14927310)8NYUSA1603
26Tang, Eric Y (14926584)8NYUSA1597
27Chen, Andrew Bo-Shine (14812021)8NCUSA1595
28Archibald, John R (15110208)8MAUSA1593
29Manahan, Raphael R (15136553)8CAUSA1586
30Omprakash, Thoshan (15204438)8NJUSA1571
31Burton, Henry (14938916)8NYUSA1565
32O'Neill, John Kian (15030760)8NYUSA1561
33Levine, Jack E (15215230)8NYUSA1542
34Pham, Vinh The (15082095)8TXUSA1535
35Kempe, Alexander Kaixuan (15219123)8NYUSA1533
36Behura, Maya (15033184)8FLUSA1522
37Boldi, Ethan Vaughn (15088362)8CAUSA1519
38Kim, Dae San (15015721)8OHUSA1512
39Mehta, Raj Chirag (14980818)8GAUSA1505
40Chong, Joshua Ethan (15110220)8NYUSA1502
41Selvam, Sanjay (15304133)8AZUSA1499
42Fang, Ethan (15002065)8OHUSA1494
43Yang, Benjamin (14963616)8TXUSA1482
44Zhao, Winston W (15069534)8MAUSA1475
45Nasta, Kiren (15255524)8NYUSA1460
46Pearl, Reagan (15286114)8CAUSA1452
47Wen, Tommy (15215658)8CAUSA1451
48Rane, Sidharth H (14997694)8WIUSA1439
49Rajaram, Achyuta (14915688)8MAUSA1424
50Rajaganesh, Dhruv (14992723)8GAUSA1416
51Mcconnell, Sullivan Mac (14696346)8COUSA1412
52Sethuraman, Sandeep (15472832)8AZUSA1408
53Ramnath, Vrishank (15137342)8ILUSA1407
54Pande, Nikhil (15287646)8NYUSA1404
55Tan, Sean (15301038)8OHUSA1386
56Xiong, Aaron Moda (14913566)8FLUSA1375
57Woo, Eric Andy (15384796)8CAUSA1374
58Qiu, Ziyang (15172446)8NCUSA1367
59Kay, Noah Robert (14814390)8NYUSA1366
60Wang, Audrey (14714261)8NYUSA1364
61Katsman, David (14958088)8MAUSA1359
62Roonprapunt, Jesse (14692893)8NYUSA1358
63Aung, Christopher (15052858)8TXUSA1357
64Epard, Dax Wesley (15178954)8AZUSA1353
65Feder, Ollie (15289397)8NYUSA1347
66Panda, Ojas (15060430)8NCUSA1327
67Wan, Audrey X (14989604)8TXUSA1317
68Niu, Hongi Victor (14847342)8CAUSA1316
69Kaloudis, Sean (15106731)8NYUSA1311
70Lin, Daniel (15176393)8CAUSA1308
71Hwang, Matthew (15116125)8WAUSA1306
72Danilyan, Eduard (15187868)8ILUSA1305
73Thu, Melvin (15093843)8NYUSA1304
74Henkin, Jonathan (15221673)8NYUSA1303
75Moon-Rosha, Uri (15197618)8MNUSA1299
76Chen, Jeason (15512144)8TXUSA1296
77Kou, Daniel (15372677)8CAUSA1291
78Weinberg, Alexander (15061103)8NYUSA1289
79Silvers, Maxwell Rein (15236483)8NYUSA1284
80Liang, Andrew Yuxuan (15019148)8CAUSA1281
81Mak, Lucas (15198936)8NYUSA1280
82Duan, Jason (15119654)8CAUSA1279
83Lingannagari, Arnav Reddy (15023276)8CAUSA1270
=83Tung, Dov (15268997)8CAUSA1270
85Kovalev, Mikhail (14968147)8KYUSA1267
86Gulati, Avi (15001338)8NYUSA1265
=86Mundayat, Abinav Rajiv (15264747)8NJUSA1265
88Ahmed, Kabir (15189693)8TXUSA1264
89Gorti, Atmika (15021766)8VAUSA1260
90Rempe, Jonas Jakob Raza (15043490)8AZUSA1259
91Podder, Ronit (15187262)8TXUSA1252
92Chung, Jesse Yoonho (15287144)8CTUSA1246
93Mishra, Pranit (14993156)8GAUSA1237
94Chui, William J (15174401)8CAUSA1236
95Schneider, Charles Jackson (15058953)8COUSA1235
=95Loya, Blaise (15099398)8NYUSA1235
97Wagner, Anton (15023412)8NYUSA1232
98Hom, Austin (14994907)8NYUSA1231
99Min, Chloe (14968388)8FLUSA1230
100Yang, Kevin (15504777)8TXUSA1228
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
