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Top Quick Senior April 2014

1Browne, Walter S (10488192)65CAUSA2579
2Foygel, Igor (12563122)66MAUSA2417
3Forthoffer, David (10475376)66AKUSA2273
4Figler, Ilye (12713319)66NYUSA2271
5Katz, Michael S (12699061)66NJUSA2261
6Peysakhovich, Vitaly A (12564026)83NJUSA2254
7Simms, Gary (10403227)72TXUSA2242
8Mc Laughlin, Clifford W (12394067)72MAUSA2234
9Hoffmann, Asa (10076994)71NYUSA2220
10Saidy, Anthony F (10439949)76CAUSA2214
11Graves, Peter (12476605)65CAUSA2211
12Stoyko, Stephen (10050227)66NJUSA2208
13Dubeck, Leroy W (10061083)75NJUSA2202
14Grant, Douglas M (10099170)71NHUSA2188
15Kwartler, Lonnie S (10086795)70NYUSA2147
16Curdo, John A (10009201)82MAUSA2136
17Pohl, Klaus A (10214033)76SCUSA2135
18Casten, Frederick J (10102570)74NVUSA2130
19Zisman, Boris (12541759)73MDUSA2104
20Berchenko, Sergey (12145620)68OHUSA2103
21Tennant, Steven (10341752)66ILUSA2100
22Golyak, Isay (12531126)82NYUSA2092
23De Haseth, Pieter L (10314917)67OHUSA2081
Alsasua, Eleuterio A (10492211)76NVUSA2081
25Zaydenberg, Avram (12620113)76CAUSA2071
26Bartron, Paul R (12590173)65WAUSA2066
27Wilson, Fred (10077508)67NYUSA2043
28Hough, Randall D (10461138)67CAUSA2042
29Feuerstein, Arthur William (10055725)78NJUSA2041
30Sussman, Leonard (10113814)71CAUSA2028
31Forman, Gary Robert (10103380)66NYUSA2024
32Barnard, John C (10430283)73CAUSA2014
33Kalfas, Richard B (10138361)72NYUSA2011
34Sholomson, Stephen L (10433452)73CAUSA2009
35Horsboll, Eric (10661935)70NYUSA2008
36Meyerson, Richard (10124883)79NCUSA2004
37Fuerstman, Leland L (10209137)66NCUSA2000
38Jabali, Ron W (12642119)66CAUSA1996
39Brancic, Aleksandar B (12447888)67MAUSA1990
40Rader, Robert J (10062039)70NJUSA1988
41Ciaffone, Robert (10288851)73MIUSA1987
42Chase, Stephen M (10232937)70TXUSA1977
43Arluck, William S (10096588)71NYUSA1971
44Polyakin, Vladimir Lvovich (12287160)68NYUSA1968
45Roth, Ted A (11366929)65CAUSA1957
46Santillan, Carlos H (11032095)67COUSA1955
47Tannenbaum, Jeffrey Alan (10078954)66NYUSA1951
48Hucks, Lewis A (10183626)81MDUSA1944
49Levitan, Alexander (12747794)75CAUSA1942
50Roe, Phil (12559717)75MIUSA1940
51Zats, Yefrem (12700241)85NYUSA1930
52Gedeon, Richard (10264022)66OHUSA1929
53Bell, Wayne C (10392110)71KYUSA1923
54Brahimaj, Muharrem (12740982)74MAUSA1917
55Petrovic, Cedomir (12388580)74OHUSA1916
56Barker, Marvin R, Jr (10202001)66WVUSA1915
57Frumkin, Edward A (10136580)66NYUSA1914
58Baroudi, Ziad A (12538424)76CAUSA1910
59Miller, Tony A (10036607)68CAUSA1906
Tkach, Leonid (12621559)74MAUSA1906
61Brightman, Joseph M (10157480)66FLUSA1905
62Kreitner, Ilan (10118492)77NYUSA1904
63Burton, Timothy E (10311853)65WIUSA1903
Stetson, Robert R (10419336)71AZUSA1903
65Nugent, Arthur P (10011191)72MAUSA1900
Murphy, Richard (10108560)81NYUSA1900
Mease, Art (12351060)93PAUSA1900
Williamson, Warren (12469047)66AZUSA1900
Feldman, Lev E (12659208)75CAUSA1900
70Driver, Riley Daniel (10227640)66OHUSA1899
Trimble, Selden (10367743)72MOUSA1899
72Cashman, Jack A (10468655)66CAUSA1898
73Petithory, Louis (10003733)69MAUSA1882
74Kremenchugskiy, Ilya (12748149)81VAUSA1872
75Schwarcz, Mark Leo (10160634)65KYUSA1871
76Hellner, Wesley (14557078)70NYUSA1868
77Barlay, Imre (11024190)84COUSA1864
78Le Bon, Jules (10375967)70LAUSA1860
Gonzalez, Fidel (11113826)69CAUSA1860
80Levin, Anatoly (12602344)65MAUSA1859
81Pedersen, Lars (11096182)67CAUSA1848
82Carson, Keith R (10248744)68NCUSA1845
Person, Melvin (12426694)65KYUSA1845
84Fleysher, Leonid (12742766)73NJUSA1844
85Stroukal, Miroslav (11506941)70CAUSA1843
86Berry, Jim (10384885)68OKUSA1839
Pendergast, William C (11104347)66GAUSA1839
Morin, Roger Joseph (11160131)69MEUSA1839
Covington, M Paul (12044640)65COUSA1839
90Beauregard, James A (12441378)65AZUSA1837
91Pennington, Fred P, Jr (10390885)74TXUSA1835
92Fisher, Craig W (10124743)70NYUSA1834
Delacruz, Gaudencio (10492092)70CAUSA1834
94Teasley, Dorothy (10074258)72NYUSA1833
Buchanan, Richard W (10273030)69COUSA1833
96Smith, Michael R (10296731)65MIUSA1829
Gabrilovich, Isaak M (12825413)79OHUSA1829
98Delgadillo, David (10457475)70CAUSA1824
99Martinez, Alberto (12490535)68NJUSA1818
100Paciulli, Frank (11017134)70NYUSA1814
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
