Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2014 arrow January 2014

Quick Overall regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation January 2014

1Kamsky, Gata (12528459)NYUSA2712
2Dlugy, Maxim (11435629)NJUSA2706
3Lenderman, Aleksandr (12787646)NYUSA2651
4Gelashvili, Tamaz (14651144)NYGEO2649
5Akobian, Varuzhan (12740522)KSUSA2612
6Bykhovsky, Anatoly (14508330)MOISR2596
7Yotov, Valentin L (13484812)TXBUL2593
8Stripunsky, Alexander (12715435)NJUSA2580
9Browne, Walter S (10488192)CAUSA2579
10Benjamin, Joel (10102511)NJUSA2572
Goldin, Alexander (12556822)ILUSA2572
12Finegold, Benjamin P (11264417)MOUSA2570
13Fishbein, Alexander (12077910)NJUSA2569
Kacheishvili, Giorgi (12746489)NYGEO2569
Gareev, Timur (13262157)CAUSA2569
16Becerra, Julio J (12778049)FLUSA2556
17Ivanov, Alexander (12513936)MAUSA2545
18Khachiyan, Melikset (12827326)CAUSA2534
19Sevillano, Enrico (12650696)CAUSA2531
20Norowitz, Yaacov (12566496)NJUSA2530
21Sammour-Hasbun, Jorge E (12496662)RIUSA2529
22Sadorra, Julio C (12697187)TXPHI2527
23Hess, Robert L (12749774)NYUSA2516
24Altounian, Levon (12625289)AZUSA2515
25Aldama, Dionisio (13557810)CAMEX2513
26Moran, Augusto (12563207)NYUSA2503
27Meyer, Eugene B (10122953)VAUSA2502
28Ramirez, Alejandro (12688291)TXUSA2486
29Ashley, Maurice A (12357030)NYUSA2481
30Lakdawala, Cyrus F (11486738)CAUSA2479
31Kreiman, Boris (12536729)NYUSA2476
32Chirila, Ioan Cristian (14471712)TXROU2468
33Kudrin, Sergey (11257585)CTUSA2457
Arnold, Marc Tyler (12770589)NYUSA2457
35Deng, Kongliang (12701163)CAUSA2454
Kekelidze, Mikheil (12807422)NYGEO2454
37Ehlvest, Jaan (12514557)NYUSA2452
38Gorman, Dov (12462633)NJUSA2447
39Brooks, Michael A (11045685)MOUSA2440
40Rohde, Michael A (10047871)NYUSA2436
41Kannappan, Priyadharshan (14955836)MOIND2432
42Lapshun, Yury (12548533)NYUSA2431
Vitoux, Colomban (14686747)NYFRA2431
44Smith, Bryan G (12602587)PAUSA2427
45Gurevich, Dmitry (12212800)ILUSA2426
Mitkov, Nikola (12710197)ILMKD2426
47Foygel, Igor (12563122)MAUSA2417
48Perez, Robert M (12913092)FLUSA2414
49Esserman, Marc (20008479)MAUSA2412
50Van De Mortel, Jan (12560250)CTNED2410
Cornejo, Max (14183905)TXPER2410
52Ippolito, Dean (12445752)NJUSA2404
53Vigorito, David (12426279)MAUSA2403
Arnold, Jeffrey Scott (12538346)CAUSA2403
Hungaski, Robert (12790312)NYUSA2403
56Mena, Carlos E (14854553)NYCUB2401
57Larsen, Kenneth Chris (10421667)AZUSA2399
58Bartell, Thomas (12559979)PAUSA2394
59Robson, Ray (12847250)MOUSA2392
60Ortiz, Eduardo N (12712875)CAPHI2389
Vovsha, Eli (12841701)NYISR2389
62Krush, Irina (12543137)NYUSA2385
63Li, Wen Liang (13194967)CACHN2381
64Bonin, Jay Richard (10098327)NYUSA2379
65Duckworth, William Mark (10436702)CAUSA2378
66Banawa, Jouaquin Carlos (12780583)MOPHI2377
67Holt, Conrad (12937909)KSUSA2376
68Rizzitano, James A (10019656)MAUSA2372
69Lahoz, Jose (12422448)NJUSA2371
Shahade, Greg (20013106)PAUSA2371
71Troff, Kayden W (12939342)UTUSA2369
Huseynov, Elmir (14954483)DCAZE2369
73Bradford, Joseph Mark (10378583)TXUSA2365
74Shen, Victor C (12809707)NJUSA2362
75Rensch, Daniel M (12659833)AZUSA2361
76Burnett, Ronald Wayne (12093120)TNUSA2360
77Pressman, Leif A (12693373)NYUSA2358
78Herman, Matthew J (12626280)NYUSA2355
79Romanenko, Vladimir (14422341)NYBLR2354
80Cusi, Ronald Lazo (12455815)CAUSA2352
81Taylor, Timothy W (10153557)CAUSA2351
Schuyler, James (12168140)VAUSA2351
83Morrison, William (10099277)MDUSA2350
Maltese, Adam Samuel (12578045)NYUSA2350
85Costigan, Richard A (10161371)NJUSA2349
Naroditsky, Daniel A (12892910)CAUSA2349
87Getz, Shelby D (11288499)MDUSA2348
88Sapozhnikov, Roman (13993422)*FOR*CAN2346
89Almeida, Alfonso A (12927539)TXMEX2341
90Monokroussos, Dennis (11502229)INUSA2340
Bryant, John Daniel (12796667)CAUSA2340
92De Guzman, Ricardo (12621677)CAPHI2337
Griffith, Kyron W (12860484)CAUSA2337
94Sarkar, Justin (12561884)NYUSA2335
95Rubenchik, Rodion V (12413101)PAUSA2334
96Kahn, Aaron E (12814043)MIUSA2333
97Shmelov, Denys K (13433622)MAUKR2329
98Harmon-Vellotti, Luke C (12943187)IDUSA2327
99Rentsen, Erdenetulga (14725276)RIMGL2323
100Molner, Mackenzie S (12662506)AZUSA2321
Adu, Oladapo Olutola (12778089)DCNGR2321
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
