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Top Age 8 April 2012

1Liang, Awonder (13999045)8WIUSA2100
2Peng, David Tianjian (14195454)8ILUSA1933
3Gu, Brian Fanyuan (14100620)8TXUSA1804
4Krishnan, Ajay (14375346)8CAUSA1773
5Stearman, Josiah Paul (14006506)8CAUSA1699
6Yip, Carissa Shiwen (14514636)8MAUSA1673
7Ganthapodi, Maanav S (14060533)8NJUSA1637
8Oskiper, Constantine (14338863)8NJUSA1587
9Lencz, Harris (14409837)8NYUSA1585
10Deng, Tim (13200804)8CAUSA1580
11Ahram, Aidan (14061123)8NYUSA1576
Daniels, Jason Scott (14107163)8ILUSA1576
13Hawthorn, Charles (14435718)8TXUSA1570
14Beaudoin, Hudson (14149103)8NYUSA1566
15Balasaygun, Alara (14469858)8PAUSA1548
16Perkins, Joaquin K (13732183)8CAUSA1524
17Robitaille, Luke Robert (13971422)8TXUSA1520
18Guo, Zachary (14406136)8TXUSA1501
Nicolas, Jamie (14440291)8NYUSA1501
20Ma, Tristan (14239696)8VAUSA1490
21Nguyen, Dang Minh (13942075)8TXUSA1475
22Kang, Justin (14554482)8CAUSA1458
23Xu, Chang (14673370)8AZUSA1450
24Mao, Andrew Sun-Rong (14290440)8TXUSA1442
25Ganesh, Anirudh (14480784)8TXUSA1438
26Ge, Anthony (14501996)8CAUSA1433
27Yan, Austin K (14470133)8OHUSA1422
28Mendelevitch, Daniel (14247701)8CAUSA1417
29Mettke, Nathaniel Liu (14513131)8NYUSA1413
30Joo, Ethan (14076394)8NYUSA1406
31Rudt, Adam (14434234)8NYUSA1405
32Graddy, Natahja (14052183)8NCUSA1396
Costa, Diego (14298081)8TXUSA1396
34Cai, Jiaying Lucy (14437338)8MAUSA1392
35Chen, Andrew (14355777)8NYUSA1384
36Liu, Leonard Q (14235390)8CTUSA1379
37Shen, Daniel D (14437784)8GAUSA1375
38Kogan, Theo George (14218710)8NYUSA1370
39Dill, James Christopher (14061034)8NCUSA1364
40Liu, Aristo S (14702445)8PAUSA1361
41Sharan, Praveer (14219357)8ORUSA1360
42Baker, Vincent Jingwei (14304661)8OHUSA1352
43Harrs, Christian (14376224)8FLUSA1349
44Ming, Albert (14284981)8NJUSA1341
Bandi, Rohit Choudary (14605830)8TXUSA1341
46Jacobson, Brandon (14160065)8NJUSA1340
47Wang, Andrew (14051022)8TXUSA1339
48Vuthamaraju, Rishabh (14258716)8CTUSA1338
Paul, Justin (14323420)8VAUSA1338
50Bashkansky, Naomi (14048474)8WAUSA1332
51Oskiper, Andreas (14338878)8NJUSA1322
52Geohas, Michael Jeffrey (14483460)8ILUSA1321
53Wang, Andrew B (14159754)8VAUSA1320
Mangalam, Shreya B (14385521)8ILUSA1320
55Jain, Divij (14441210)8NYUSA1318
56Li, Sean Yu (14075391)8ILUSA1316
Zhao, Chenyi (14468305)8CAUSA1316
58Nakada, Akira (14452418)8NYUSA1315
59Jones, Charlie (14239152)8CAUSA1312
60Deshpande, Aaryan (14245381)8WAUSA1310
61Zhang, Jason Shuhe (14450350)8CAUSA1298
62Zhu, Stephen (14631141)8CAUSA1294
63Viswanathan, Arul (14490424)8CAUSA1289
64Wang, Ricky (14403974)8ILUSA1286
Yi, Angela (14515143)8TXUSA1286
66Breslav, Nikita (14422801)8TXUSA1282
67Belakovsky, Brian (14186047)8AZUSA1276
Zhao, Luke (14282042)8CAUSA1276
69Jia, Andy P (14135564)8TXUSA1273
70Vanhorn, Brazen (14550728)8NYUSA1264
71Wang, Eric (14290387)8TXUSA1263
72Helmy, Jad (14206330)8FLUSA1261
73Starkman, Elliot (14024483)8FLUSA1258
Giordano, Sebastian Alessandro (14349198)8TXUSA1258
75Balderas, Adolfo Augusto, Jr (14480460)8TXUSA1256
76Pang, Maxwell (14286401)8NYUSA1251
77Arvin, Thomas (14465415)8NYUSA1248
78Polavaram, Rohan (14286113)8TXUSA1245
79Omar, Tamm (14065827)8KYUSA1244
80Dhami, Amir (14628812)8CAUSA1243
81Oskiper, Nicholas (14338884)8NJUSA1242
82Lerman, Joshua (14211104)8NJUSA1240
83Bansal, Saumil (14284850)8TNUSA1230
84Keval, Vivek A (14274805)8TXUSA1229
Narang, Ijay (14362795)8TXUSA1229
86Shondra, Alix Ziporah (14225544)8NYUSA1227
87Kaubisch, Theo J (14648863)8NYUSA1224
88Genger, Gavriel (14105668)8NYUSA1223
89Gao, Jason (14457861)8TXUSA1220
90Ho, Stephen R (14688037)8CAUSA1215
91Hwang, Daniel H (14367001)8CAUSA1214
92Srinivasan, Anand (13328960)8GAUSA1213
93Shetti, Omkar Rajesh (14375284)8WAUSA1205
Jung, Darren Li (14618417)8NYUSA1205
95Minoofar, Ethan (13828053)8CAUSA1200
96Kleidermacher, Justin Taylor (14207464)8FLUSA1190
Lin, Andrew T (14430362)8COUSA1190
98Yang, Christopher (14519303)8NYUSA1186
99Avedisian, Juliana (14294470)8NYUSA1184
100Mccoy, Owen W (14447115)8FLUSA1179
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
