Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2010 arrow February 2010

Top Age 15 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation February 2010

1Robson, Ray (12847250)15FLUSA2623
2Zhao, Parker Bi Guang (12787319)15NYUSA2379
3Yang, Michael (12895744)15MNUSA2244
4Jayakumar, Adarsh (12881167)15TXUSA2222
5Sapozhnikov, Roman (13993422)15*FOR*CAN2217
6Dahl, Matthew D (12907857)15MNUSA2200
7Aaron, Deepak (12877422)15NYUSA2194
8Yee, Michael Anthony (12893641)15CAUSA2184
9Ng, Andrew (12870005)15NJUSA2177
10Huang, Vincent (12871188)15CAUSA2175
11Shao, Bob Siyuan (13664333)15TXUSA2168
12Jia, Jason (12846410)15TXUSA2147
Powell, Mitchell (13035461)15TXUSA2147
14Griffith, Kyron W (12860484)15CAUSA2146
15Amarasinghe, Prashantha N (12856393)15MNSRI2132
Qi, George (12859308)15TXUSA2132
Swaminathan, Rahul K (12873425)15NJUSA2132
18Fikiet, Alex Miche (12921011)15CTUSA2131
19Guo, Alex (12895494)15WAUSA2104
20Tsoi, Alan (12766716)15CAUSA2100
21Eng, Randel (12922545)15AZUSA2088
Jaleel, Zaroug A (12938203)15MAUSA2088
23Lin, Andy (12926132)15AZUSA2077
24Ryba, Nicholas (12937962)15NYUSA2074
25Miller, Adam R (12825336)15FLUSA2056
26Nazario, Marc Christian (13067116)15WIPHI2054
27Li, Darwin (12854822)15VAUSA2052
28Chandra, Kevin (12918855)15TXUSA2046
29Kao, Andrew Sc (13766076)15CAUSA2044
30Liu, Matthew (12892273)15TXUSA2037
31Qu, Jason (12939029)15CAUSA2028
32Yang, Charles (13446105)15MDUSA2015
33Wilber, Matthew K (12888473)15ILUSA2011
34Liou, Arthur (12906142)15CAUSA2010
35Freix, Andrew J (12821726)15VAUSA2004
36Dubin, Joshua (12765381)15ILUSA2002
37Omori, Michael (12852397)15WAUSA2001
38Wu, James Fan (12913034)15WIUSA2000
39Yin, Edward (12876430)15FLUSA1997
40Young, Zachary A (12838688)15NYUSA1980
41Giordani, Daniel Jacob (13713402)15CAUSA1973
42Fang, Thomas (12930260)15PAUSA1971
43Bryant, Daniel (12872964)15AZUSA1963
44Orlowski, Jesse N (12841890)15CAUSA1962
Wu, Darren P (12904147)15WAUSA1962
46Sakai, Hibiki (12873967)15PAJPN1961
47Wasdahl, Alexander John (12834765)15OHUSA1960
48Litvak, Eve V (12799901)15NJUSA1959
49Winter, Curtis A (12875460)15MDUSA1951
50Ummel, Igor (12851589)15WAUSA1949
51Yelsky, Max (12799909)15NJUSA1943
52Wong, Joseph Chun-Him (12889927)15TXUSA1941
53Knight, Lucas (13914966)15PAUSA1940
54Chien, Jason (12823448)15ILUSA1939
55Robinson, Darrian (12925651)15NYUSA1938
56Jimenez, Christian (12931125)15FLUSA1937
57Xin, Samuel L (12921546)15NCUSA1934
58Cen, Kent Y (12864463)15ILUSA1924
59Koren, Eyal (13991672)15NJUSA1916
60Ponukumati, Aravind (13171070)15VAUSA1911
61Chillakanti, Mukund (12803861)15CAUSA1907
62Ho, Daniel S (12826651)15WAUSA1903
63Nussbaum, Daniel B (12830598)15CTUSA1895
64Gottlieb, Ethan (12960133)15WAUSA1893
65Zhang, Kelly (13039663)15CAUSA1890
66Treiman, Scott (12938133)15UTUSA1886
Thangirala, Avinash G (12958237)15TXUSA1886
68Fisher, William (12910347)15PAUSA1885
69Inglis, David (12852335)15WAUSA1883
70Duncan, Paul Raymond (12876765)15CAUSA1881
71Martinson, Timothy Michael (12928698)15NMUSA1878
72Denunzio, Robert Ames (12847697)15CTUSA1875
Wright, Mark David (13000898)15OHUSA1875
74Nguyen, Vincent D (12808163)15AZUSA1873
75Dejong, Andrew (13317315)15NCUSA1872
76Chang, Eli (13484221)15NJUSA1869
77Golub, David (13483694)15WAUSA1868
78Reilly, Ben D (12871090)15COUSA1864
79Yan, Gaibo (13186616)15PAUSA1862
80Steinberg, Max (13102590)15NYUSA1860
81Weiss, Loren E (12853679)15NYUSA1859
82Xu, Boris (12893725)15NJUSA1858
83Hu, Alexander (12902203)15MAUSA1857
84Pfefer, Jonathan (12937691)15PAUSA1852
85Vogt, Nathan (12847448)15TNUSA1851
86Xu, Winber (12804554)15MAUSA1847
87Liu, Siyang (12934519)15INUSA1842
88Sun, Terrence (13039678)15CAUSA1839
89Spencer, David (12930078)15NCUSA1837
90Kelly, Jacob (12986953)15PAUSA1821
91Kumar, Vikas Shreyas (12920966)15TNUSA1818
92Cotter, Samuel (12824495)15AZUSA1817
93Larson, Eric Daniel (12852728)15MIUSA1816
94Mayoral, Joshua (13683930)15AZUSA1815
95Qian, Steven Cheng (13193195)15CAUSA1814
96Templeton, Zachary Scott (13024942)15SCUSA1810
97Seenivasan, Karthik (12842702)15TXUSA1804
98Edler, Christopher (12885090)15GAUSA1801
99Neymit, Dennis M (13214035)15CAUSA1794
Gustafsson, Alexander Kenneth (13933265)15UTUSA1794
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
