Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2008 arrow June 2008

Top Age 8 June 2008

1Lin, Dachey (13147854)8TXUSA1754
He, Outeng (13354250)8TXUSA1754
3Chiang, Jonathan (13091096)8TXUSA1736
4Angermeier, Danny (13222062)8MAUSA1708
5Chen, Michael L (13405236)8MIUSA1648
6Yao, Jeffrey G (13097776)8MAUSA1634
7Graif, William (13346841)8NYUSA1630
8Liu, Alex (13224528)8TXUSA1587
9Zhang, Tianye (13490931)8WIUSA1509
10Viswanadha, Kesav (13159334)8CAUSA1495
11Beilin, Allan (13464955)8CAUSA1491
12Pascetta, Daniel (13492310)8CTUSA1474
13Saran, Ishan (13117750)8NVUSA1471
14Lin, Daniel (13345550)8CAUSA1468
Panchanatham, Vignesh (13439575)8CAUSA1468
16Chen, Qinhong (13716492)8PAUSA1464
17Kostovetsky, Daniel (13454854)8NYUSA1444
18Mousseri, Daniel (13425010)8CAUSA1443
19Gandhi, Shyam S (13180382)8CAUSA1437
20Tang, Andrew Patrick (13215196)8ILUSA1433
21Stiger, Alexandra J (13177970)8TXUSA1420
22Mc Clanahan, Bryce (12934628)8ILUSA1418
23Wei, James (13577813)8ILUSA1412
24Oberhaus, Conrad (13600110)8ILUSA1393
25Moazami, Amir (13361544)8NYUSA1384
26Zhang, Alex (12935739)8PAUSA1350
27Ding, Kimberly (13218531)8NJUSA1344
Li, Ethan (13539092)8AZUSA1344
29Kriss, Spencer (13134025)8KYUSA1335
30Stich, Brandon C (12969971)8KSUSA1328
31Li, Zhaozhi (13646954)8ILUSA1319
32Ford, Sonam Y (13728982)8ILUSA1314
33Kogan, Jonathan (13253490)8NYUSA1288
34Didita, George Victor (13469423)8NJUSA1280
35Gu, Bryan J (13275311)8NJUSA1277
36Kalyanpur, Armaan (13318407)8CAUSA1273
37Winchell, Barrett (13478997)8TXUSA1271
38Murugan, Pranav Mani (13504320)8TXUSA1264
39Zhang, Andrew W (13564837)8OHUSA1259
40Holder, L Dillon (13192013)8NYUSA1249
41Kong, Alvin (13318351)8CAUSA1248
42Vigna, Leo (13452361)8NYUSA1244
43Mietkowski, Kyle (13256258)8NYUSA1226
44Veytsman, Isaac (13331188)8NYUSA1220
45Tang, Kevin M (13707174)8CAUSA1215
46Wang, Warren (13280965)8NYUSA1213
47Yee, Nathaniel (13293014)8WAUSA1205
Goldstein, Ben (13509986)8NYUSA1205
49Lau, Jonathan C (13271784)8FLUSA1204
50Lo, Chester Elias (13424408)8CAUSA1203
51Ma, Kevin L (13108673)8WAUSA1197
52Coudsi, John (13224493)8TXUSA1196
53Shi, Tinglin (13742723)8OHUSA1193
54Lindgren, David Aaron (13296522)8WAUSA1190
55Venkataraman, Sara (13258207)8TXUSA1189
56Gilchrist, Ian P (13010957)8ILUSA1187
Shub, Albert Daniel (13618244)8NYUSA1187
58Nagarajan, Pranav (13512712)8CAUSA1186
59Yu, Patrick (13257026)8TXUSA1176
60Sahakian, Mateos G (12928449)8MAUSA1175
61Adve, Anshul (13296020)8ILUSA1171
62Gaffney, Patrick J (13321930)8TXUSA1165
63Khan, Saad (13406952)8TXUSA1164
Bikus, Jeffrey J (13600125)8ILUSA1164
65Chen, David X (13681137)8CAUSA1161
66Guillen, Brianna A (13005737)8TXUSA1147
67Swerdlin, Ryan David (13878522)8COUSA1144
68Srihari, Pranav (13600455)8NYUSA1142
69Lowenstein, Arthur Paster (13284308)8NYUSA1141
70Riccardi, Joseph Dominick (13026975)8NYUSA1140
71Ramanathan, Vishan (12958917)8NJUSA1137
Mohan, Rahul Ram (13714097)8CAUSA1137
73Liu, Michael J (13599855)8NYUSA1134
74Zhao, Jack (13473180)8NYUSA1130
75Koren, Etan (12937194)8NYUSA1120
Zhang, Andy (13508448)8FLUSA1120
77Coll, Nathan (13329256)8AZUSA1118
78Wayne, Nathaniel (13250683)8NYUSA1116
Cardenas, Christopher (13264614)8TXUSA1116
80Du, Kevin Y (13213760)8OHUSA1108
Gonzalez, Eduardo (13276178)8TXUSA1108
Yamazaki-Otake, Maya (13384134)8NYUSA1108
83Budejen-Jerez, Alejandro (13278855)8PAUSA1104
84Khurjekar, Vaed (13028547)8NJUSA1099
85Ram, Chirag (13442370)8PAUSA1096
Ge, Eric (13473037)8TXUSA1096
Allen, George (13615271)8NYUSA1096
88Chang, Dustin (13206570)8TXUSA1087
89Paik, Wesley (13654666)8PAUSA1086
90Harris, Luke R (12921445)8NJUSA1083
91Grimbilas, George (13617957)8NYUSA1080
Yi, Richard (13640892)8CAUSA1080
93Ghosh, Arnav (13405001)8MAUSA1077
94Senft, Sean (13232026)8VAUSA1076
95Zhao, Art (13464997)8CAUSA1073
Ramesh, Arun (13481607)8FLUSA1073
97Decesaris, Vincent A (13086740)8RIUSA1072
98Wilson, Sam (13609523)8KYUSA1070
99Zehnal, Charles Morgan (13331428)8ILUSA1060
100Flores, Jon Steven (13020404)8TXUSA1059
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
