Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2006 arrow October 2006

Top Women regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation October 2006

1Polgar, Susan ZsuzsaNYUSA2597
2Kosteniuk, AlexandraFLRUS2563
3Zatonskih, AnnaNYUSA2497
4Krush, IrinaNYUSA2442
5Goletiani, RusudanNYUSA2407
6Baginskaite, CamillaCAUSA2342
7Abrahamyan, TatevCAUSA2293
8Tuvshintugs, BatchimegCAUSA2278
9Cardona, YuliaFLCUB2273
10Ross, Laura RNYUSA2252
11Battsetseg, TsagaanMDUSA2234
12Levitan, YuliyaKSUSA2228
13Marinello, BeatrizNYUSA2210
14Airapetian, ChouchanikWAUSA2188
15Melekhina, AlisaPAUSA2182
16Song, YiDECHN2180
17Epstein, EstherMAUSA2179
18Zenyuk, IrynaNYUSA2173
19Vicary, Elizabeth ZNYUSA2153
20Robles, ClaudiaVAESP2139
21Eynullayeva, RozaMAUSA2130
22Sagalchik, OlgaNYUSA2121
23Doibani, LiliaTXMDA2115
24Pelletier, Katharine A.NYUSA2110
25Levina, AnnaNYUSA2087
26Itkis, HanaNJUSA2084
27Churun, PalinaNY2075
28West, Vanessa ACAUSA2068
Vayserberg, TatianaNYUSA2068
30Alston, Angela JenniferTX2061
31Teasley, DorothyNYUSA2055
32Marshall, AbbyVA2048
33Nikolova, EttieVAUSA2025
34Tsyganova, SerafimaMNRUS2015
35Root, Alexey WTXUSA2003
36Jamison, CourtneyTXUSA2002
37Matyszewska, MagdalenaMI1984
38Livschitz, LouizaCA1957
39Ruggiero, Pamela FCAUSA1952
40Kats, ElinaNY1951
41Kerr, Julia KNY1948
42Dai, YangVAUSA1942
43Parrilla, MedinaNYUSA1938
44Mcvay, Karsten ANJUSA1934
45Datta, AnjaliTX1916
46Chanadiri, TamaraNJ1911
47Dimitrijevic, VesnaMAUSA1909
48Jatovsky, Rachel ANY1900
49Skidmore, Jennifer MMI1898
50Allekand, LouisaVAEST1895
51Faerman, LilyNY1894
52Katz, AlannaNY1888
53Mateer, AmandaAZ1871
54Arrington, Rachael EOK1869
55Simo, JuditOKHUN1868
56Maffeo, NicoleNY1855
57Sobel, SimoneFLUSA1848
58Catania, Hannelore JUT1842
59Ginzburg, AnnaNY1840
60Liu, Jennie SNJ1836
61Carter, AshleyMI1835
62Dapul-Weberman, SarahNY1834
63Mc Gruder, ColetteCA1827
64Guglielmi, JacquelineNC1821
65Vempati, Gayatri STX1820
66Deolalikar, NishaCA1819
67Davis, Iva MichelleTX1814
68Valenzuela, JosephineAZ1813
69Cottrell-Finegold, KellyMIUSA1811
Lee, Laura LNC1811
71O'Neill, Julie AnneTX1809
Barnard, Diane MNM1809
73Brett, JamieCA1807
74Yang, SylviaTX1806
75Garg, ElishaCA1803
76Cooney, Amber JoyNJ1802
77Alarie, DonnaMA1798
78Goodkind, Lauren ElaineCA1791
79Christiansen, Natasha CMAUSA1783
80Kuzniatsova, AlenaNY1776
81Acon, Jennifer TCA1770
82Krubnik, EwelinaCA1769
83Trouve, ColetteDE1768
84Kasbekar, ShivaliGA1767
85Swan, HeatherMI1764
86Rodriguez, EuniceFL1759
English, RheannaTX1759
88Roy, Myriam*FOR*1756
89Atanassov, Mariyan MCA1752
90Olsson, GretaWAUSA1751
91Kokish, Iris RCA1748
92Wheeless, Colette MNC1743
93Chen, Janice SUT1739
94Kay, GabriellaCA1733
95Anderson Munson, Connie LMI1731
96West, Melinda MCA1722
97Qiu, KatherineTX1719
98Wright, Polly PNY1716
Goodkind, BarbaraCA1716
100Gasser, Katharine BMAUSA1715
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
