Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2007 arrow June 2007

Top Quick Senior regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation June 2007

1Volovich, Anatoly70NJUSA2360
2Tapaszto, Laszlo B73NYVEN2306
3Peysakhovich, Vitaly A76NJ2250
4Simms, Gary65TXUSA2242
5Curdo, John A75MAUSA2235
6Saidy, Anthony F69CAUSA2216
7Dubeck, Leroy W68NJUSA2213
8Reichstein, Boris68MDUSA2193
9Feuerstein, Arthur William71NJUSA2177
Pohl, Klaus A70SCUSA2177
11Pismennyy, Avraam69MARUS2167
12Finegold, Ronald B70MI2146
13Sprague, Ross66OH2122
14Alsasua, Eleuterio A69NV2110
15Sholomson, Stephen L66CA2109
16Naranja, Renato C66NJPHI2108
17Hanken, Jerome B72CAUSA2100
Kerman, David J70CAUSA2100
Zisman, Boris66MDUSA2100
20Gwyn, James E, Sr76NJ2094
21Golyak, Isay75NYUSA2073
22Ciaffone, Robert B66MIUSA2050
23Brightman, Joseph M69FL2043
24Ponomarev, Mikhail P81CO2042
25Plaskow, Jonathan E66PA2041
26Gross, Ronald Joseph71NVUSA2037
27Berkowitz, Jerry66NJ2033
28Tkach, Leonid67MAUSA2021
29Rinaldo, John68CAUSA2010
30Norris, Kermit A69CA2007
31Brahimaj, Muharrem67MA2005
32Kreitner, Ilan71NYUSA2000
Brasket, Curt Justin74MNUSA2000
34Sokolovsky, Mark72CA1998
35Cohen, Ed65CAUSA1987
Baroudi, Ziad A69CA1987
37Feldman, Lev E68CA1986
38Simon, Karl A73CA1972
39Schott, Francis H81NJ1968
40Barker, David W68CT1959
41Waxman, Marian, Dr69NYUSA1948
42Ryba, David83NV1939
43Kogan, Simon73CA1936
44Levitan, Alexander68CA1934
45Morales, Luis A72NY1928
46Hucks, Lewis A74MD1924
Zats, Yefrem78NY1924
48Murphy, Richard74NY1923
Gabrilovich, Isaak M72OH1923
50Kolkin, Yuri76OH1921
51Epp, Edward R, Dr77MA1916
52Mayer, Edmund M76NY1905
53Nugent, Arthur P66MA1900
Stevanovic, Miomir68IL1900
55Meigs, Donald J68PA1899
56Fleysher, Leonid M66NJ1890
57Vygoder, Joseph69RI1889
58Pariseau, Richard J65PA1885
Benesa, Arnulfo67IL1885
60Glassman, Arthur65NM1879
61Teasley, Dorothy66NYUSA1878
62Provost, Thomas J, Sr65NH1873
63Bondar, Leonid67ILUSA1872
64Falconer, Neil E84CA1868
65Korin, Mark76IL1867
66La Forge, Thomas A69MI1864
67Schultz, Donald D70FL1849
68Hunt, W Leigh65CA1848
69Zukoff, Leon66NY1835
Noy, Dmitriy N, Dr71MA1835
71Patteson, B L69TX1819
72Mac Manus, James P65LA1817
73Harris, Frederic K71NY1800
Mayers, Dan E84IDUSA1800
75Tomaino, Paul B76FL1798
76Scher, Edward75NJ1782
77Soelberg, Jerry73CA1778
78Platt, Jules78NJ1772
79Barrett, Gordon S85NV1765
80Sfougaris, James N75MA1758
81Farley, Rawle84NY1757
82Brochard, Thomas W66CT1756
83Wren, Gregory S70TX1744
84Tiffin, Donald R72CA1739
85Galima, Tim C66NV1736
86Niven, John67TX1721
87Pabon, Tony72CA1716
88Kremenchugskiy, Ilia M74VA1712
89Cano, Orlando69GA1711
90Hultgren, Neilen W72CA1710
91Garrett, Daniel C69NY1708
92Harrison, Gerald C74CA1707
93Peel, Arthur W, Jr66WI1702
Niemira, Justin J74OH1702
95Labate, Ernesto83NJ1700
Chatsky, Samuil73NJ1700
97Dennison, B G, Jr69TXUSA1698
98Schnitzler, Gabor J70NY1697
99Collins, Leroy G, Jr69FL1689
100Kowalczyk, David81OH1687
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
