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Top Girls Age 7 and Under regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation January 2025

1Tang, Emily Jiaying (30897070)7ILUSA1397
2Tsuchida-Tomashevsky, Winnie (30829613)7NYUSA1390
3Lu, Hanwen (30848839)6NCUSA1239
4Okonova, Avrora (30873256)7NJUSA1182
5Lin, Irene (31225265)6NYUSA1170
6Yan, Grace Lingxin (31428855)7NCUSA1075
7Han, Jingying (31305517)7NYUSA1024
8Varun, Vasu P (30911497)7NYUSA1012
9Musuluri, Shrinika (31514553)7NCUSA971
10Yu, Tian (31454206)6NCUSA967
11Genis, Marianna (30821868)7NYUSA966
12Li, Sophia Shihua (31393210)6NYUSA962
13Zenn, Alora (31364772)6FLUSA945
14Thalapaneni, Sarayu (31520236)6TXUSA920
15Cao, Stella (31622339)7MDUSA885
16Jehin, Nihea (31421027)5AZUSA881
17Khudyev, Elina Umi (31400593)7WAUSA861
18Zeng, Nikki Y (31303708)7NYUSA838
19Mitobe, Airi (31869016)7USA819
20Kavale, Ayurda Uday (30894926)7GAUSA812
21Liu, Jessica Yongxin (31952635)6NYUSA789
22Shang, Eva (31448047)7NYUSA775
23Wei, Emma (31974794)6CAUSA772
24Vignesh, Laksha (31429328)7TXUSA762
25Lyu, Emily (30797697)7NYUSA761
26Ghilarducci, Cambria (31281984)7CAUSA759
27Li, Grace Mingyue (30675833)7NYUSA750
28Jin, Chloe (31503925)7NYUSA741
29Wallach, Abigail (30769415)7NJUSA734
30Ramos, Ashley (31485124)7TXUSA730
31Manchanda, Annika (31464691)6TXUSA727
32Ge, Emma (31624335)7WAUSA721
33Hicks, Ida (31316438)7VAUSA719
34Byelashova, Sofia (31394375)7WAUSA715
35Miller, Edith (30916204)7NYUSA714
36Madhani, Maya (31322319)6NYUSA712
37Jones, Evelyn Rosemary (30757531)7NYUSA690
38Chang, Danica (31429006)6CAUSA687
39Shang, Grace (31382062)7UTUSA685
40Parul Karthikeyan, Amyra (31835508)7OHUSA680
41Borketey, Antoinette (30781001)7NYUSA678
42Sankar, Aashritha (31524855)6AZUSA671
43Mendoza, Kamila Grace (31471979)7TXUSA664
44Gorantla, Adhvika (32021466)6TXUSA662
45Manigat, Collette (30766321)7NYUSA654
46Kang, Yunwoo (31870396)6NYUSA651
47Qu, Yuwen (30961603)7WAUSA629
48Amarthaluri, Kwanita (31763753)7CAUSA620
49Obeng Addo, Trisha (32084557)7NYUSA617
50Zislin, Dina (31091182)7NYUSA606
51Pao, Charlize (31795819)6USA600
52Murphy, Drew Villa (30943218)7NYUSA594
53Ajay, Aria (31420563)7WAUSA592
54Webber, Evelyn Alyssa (31478741)7TXUSA588
55Ho, Carys (30658881)7NYUSA585
56Li, Jessie (31403763)7NYUSA583
57Zhang, Emma Chenhua (30911382)7NJUSA574
58Levri, Evangeline (30696543)7PAUSA572
59Manso, Amalia Sofia (31852435)7NCUSA569
60Golovicher, Aurora (31902031)5NYUSA563
61Li, Gaochunxi (31369771)7MAUSA560
62Krishnakumar, Sriya (31496079)7CAUSA555
63Martinez-Villar, Lorelai X (31446572)6NYUSA547
64Alluri, Sayujya (31174773)6MAUSA543
65Gold, Madison (30881783)7UTUSA530
66Raines, Zaida (30774005)7TXUSA523
67Wong, Claire (31371059)7WAUSA522
68Chan, Chloe (31893870)6NYUSA517
69Maxfield, Nora (31574164)6ILUSA515
70Stewart, Ytterbium (31329348)7NYUSA512
71Prakash, Karina (31165671)7NJUSA505
72Lan, Blair (31835545)7NYUSA499
73Bhalla, Maximilliana (31614560)7NYUSA497
74Morrow, Brindle (30778374)7OKUSA495
75Allu, Monisha (31962879)7TXUSA489
76Ye, Olivia (31498191)6LAUSA488
77Martinez, Alessandra (31483163)6USA486
=77Kleinhandler, Hannah Charlotte (31615551)7NYUSA486
79De La Garza, Jennalyn Faith (31465319)7TXUSA480
80Tang, Camilla (31407718)7NYUSA479
81Lai, Allison J (31581194)6NYUSA470
82Pavithra Rajesh, Aadya (31980678)6CAUSA467
83Katz, Amalia (30585254)7NYUSA463
84Protopapas, Athena Rose (31074656)6TXUSA459
=84Arun, Isha (31328148)6INUSA459
86Munsayac, Leanne (31432190)7TXUSA455
87Rainer-Pradhan, Ashwini (31482366)7PAUSA453
88Pei-Chan, Eleanor (30742384)7NYUSA452
=88Kirkman, Frankie (31750150)7ILUSA452
90Cantu, Casela Anju (31447554)7TXUSA450
91Bosu, Samyukta (31930600)7NCUSA448
92Gupta, Vanya (31778882)7NCUSA441
93Alagankancharla, Sashwitha (31384267)7NEUSA437
94Sepulveda, Izabella Lee (31564149)7TXUSA434
95Sengupta, Elena (31656334)6NYUSA432
96Lin, Jolie Jiayi (31676757)6MIUSA419
97Peterfreund, Elle (31599821)7NJUSA412
98Ismayilova, Amira (31137165)7VAFOR409
99Sinkar, Gauri (31586459)6NCUSA393
100Xu, Stella (30467413)7NYUSA390
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.


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