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Online-Quick Top Age 50 and Over Regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation January 2025

1Ivanov, Alexander (12513936)68MAUSA2468
2Tarjan, James Edward (10991820)72ORUSA2375
3Rohde, Michael A (10047871)65NYUSA2357
4Gorman, Dov (12462633)62NJUSA2313
5Adamson, Robby (12150400)54AZUSA2292
6Dolgitser, Konstantin (12404173)67NYUSA2176
7Gibbins, Wilson K (10202825)67ORUSA2148
8Barnakov, Yury Anatolievich (12964843)58MAUSA2147
9Dehmelt, Karl (10164176)67PAUSA2129
10Marcelino, William (12423786)64VAUSA2119
11Aigner, Michael (12595730)50CAUSA2103
12Winslow, Elliott (10363365)72CAUSA2085
13Campbell, Charles Adegboyega (14497790)52LAFOR2084
14Shapiro, Daniel E (10094879)69NYUSA2077
=14Koganov, Mikhail (12656022)57CTUSA2077
16Grasso, David (12515121)54NJUSA2076
17Busygin, Stanislav (13462174)50PAUSA2073
18Nichols, Anthony Thomas (12753902)54MIUSA2069
19Eckert, Doug D (12107920)60MOUSA2068
20Brownscombe, Tom K (12403209)56NVUSA2067
21Wall, Brian D (10923344)69COUSA2061
22Jones, Kenneth Eugene (10364841)69MOUSA2058
23Chabris, Christopher F (11316425)58PAUSA2054
=23Iwu, Okechukwu Anele Nnej (12675167)51MNUSA2054
25Rosenberg, Steve (12480813)55MIUSA2047
26Moskow, Eric (10095336)66FLUSA2037
27Hehir, Michael J (12141790)58NYUSA2030
28Ruiz, Jorge C (15185197)57NJUSA2025
29Britt, Thomas J (10273803)62OHUSA2024
30Jones, Craig W (11264239)64NCUSA2012
31Cooke, Eric (11180035)60FLUSA2011
32Braunlich, Thomas David (10386161)66OKUSA2006
33Chambers, Chris L. (12168500)58GAUSA2003
34Faber, Craig Allen (12417336)70CAUSA2000
35Casden, Alan (10089051)73OHUSA1995
36Faust, Jeffrey S (12277560)60PAUSA1988
37Monterrey, Felix (12689484)59FLUSA1987
38Jacobs, Charles A (12746276)72AKUSA1979
39Bath, John S (11312853)71OHUSA1958
40Pylant, Gary Michael (10245451)73TNUSA1951
41Vaughan, John P (12481292)57MAUSA1948
42Gutnik, Aleksandr (16911191)70NYUSA1946
43Camarda, Kyle V (12399769)55KSUSA1941
44Rhine, Frederick S (10347483)64ILUSA1937
45Smith, Martin H (12445796)63WAUSA1932
46Kochman, David M (10032059)69NHUSA1919
47Walder, Michael (10345120)68CAUSA1915
48Rader, Robert J (10062039)80NJUSA1910
49Belashchenko, Kirill (16219062)51NEUSA1909
50Querner, Jeffrey J (12418122)56INUSA1893
51Rivera, Louie G (12592530)55CAUSA1879
52Mcentee, Tim R (12298150)59IAUSA1878
53Coffey, John Richard (11080847)64INUSA1872
54Callinan, Tim (12515802)53MNUSA1864
55Irwin, John (10426189)66TXUSA1862
56Stafa, Thomas (12245350)62OHUSA1859
57Thompson, Donald A (10158851)69PAUSA1855
58Harley, Thomas Randall (11188478)63MDUSA1833
59Walker, James (11477526)62FLUSA1825
60Seltzer, Timothy Gerard (12421186)57TXUSA1822
61Sharp, Dale Eugene (10254451)71NYUSA1813
62Chase, Todd S (12414355)64MAUSA1808
63Hoover, Nathan E (12455097)59MNUSA1807
64Spinrad, Jerry (12409131)68TNUSA1806
=64Leonard, Justin Michael (12518407)55MDUSA1806
66Zilbermintz, Lev (12476202)57NJUSA1804
67Sailer, Mike (12451516)53SCUSA1800
68Giovannetti, Mark J (12439853)65FLUSA1795
69Zuppa, Thomas C (10018005)67MAUSA1793
70Ballantyne, Wayne W (10231892)69AZUSA1790
71Carey, Michael P (10120560)66RIUSA1787
72Mason, Mike W (11441653)70FLUSA1781
73Gregg, Bruce W (10508606)69WAUSA1776
74Guevara-Rodriguez, Mario (16129851)65CTFOR1773
75Mast, Malcolm (12406990)59NYUSA1771
76Drebenstedt, James (12478674)59COUSA1767
77Stewart, Douglas (20109893)50MSUSA1758
78Strickland, Eric (13526267)66VTUSA1754
79Reynolds, Robert Louis (11332722)62IAUSA1753
=79Hayer, Gopal Singh (16750800)56WIUSA1753
81Bumblauskas, Paul D (12909834)67GAUSA1752
82Friedman, David M (12488564)53OHUSA1747
83West, Darryl L (12537405)61TXUSA1746
84Brudno, Stephen (10017734)82MAUSA1738
=84Hochron, David (12468192)57CAUSA1738
86Ho, Michael S (12056430)57CAUSA1737
87Warner, Thomas A (12448829)75NYUSA1736
88Chromczak, Thomas (10128676)70NYUSA1735
89Apper, Kevin A (12480458)75LAUSA1732
90Polyakin, Vladimir (12287160)79NYUSA1731
91Drury, Mark (12459313)61CAUSA1726
92Farmand, Farnood (12769531)68TNUSA1718
93Bustillo, Joaquin (12542774)70NYUSA1715
94Heck, Karl T (11420605)59VAUSA1711
95Sciacca, Patrick (11235611)61NCUSA1706
=95Astrachan, Edward L (12430870)73MAUSA1706
97Spurrier, Robert P (10073367)72NCUSA1700
=97Del Rosario, Frisco (10987792)61CAUSA1700
99Miller, Lee (12559494)51GAUSA1696
100Donovan, Michael E (12500494)65TXUSA1691
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.


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