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Top Blitz Age 50 and Over November 2024

1Benjamin, Joel (10102511)60NJUSA2719
2Stripunsky, Alexander (12715435)54NJUSA2638
3Khachiyan, Melikset (12827326)54CAUSA2609
4Finegold, Benjamin P (11264417)55GAUSA2589
5Dlugy, Maxim (11435629)58PAUSA2570
6Becerra, Julio J (12778049)51FLUSA2569
7Duque, Sm Raymond D. (12470979)65TXUSA2560
8Fedorowicz, John P (10604737)66NYUSA2535
9Sevillano, Enrico (12650696)56CAUSA2521
10Lapshun, Yury (12548533)52NYUSA2484
11Gurevich, Dmitry (12212800)68ILUSA2481
12Matera, Salvatore J (10079578)73NYUSA2478
13Fishbein, Alexander (12077910)56TNUSA2463
14Ivanov, Alexander (12513936)68MAUSA2454
15Ginsburg, Mark (10172918)65AZUSA2440
16Lakdawala, Cyrus F (11486738)64CAUSA2429
17Khmelnitsky, Igor (12556361)56PAUSA2421
18Donaldson, William John (10270294)66CAUSA2402
19Root, Douglas D (10452881)61TXUSA2379
20Adamson, Robby (12150400)53AZUSA2360
21Kudrin, Sergey (11257585)65CTUSA2346
22Monokroussos, Dennis (11502229)58INUSA2341
23Blocker, Calvin (10262160)69OHUSA2328
24Mikhailuk, Slava (12626859)53WAUSA2313
25Burnett, Ronald Wayne (12093120)57TNUSA2285
26Rohde, Michael A (10047871)65NYUSA2271
27Spaqi, Wilson (12441362)53OHUSA2254
28Belakovskaia, Anjelina (12559824)55AZUSA2238
29Iniguez, Miguel (12596366)69NJUSA2236
30Calton, Bill J (12477070)51MIUSA2232
31Faber, Craig Allen (12417336)69CAUSA2225
32Poza, Juan C (12809304)52FLUSA2224
33Bonin, Jay Richard (10098327)69NYUSA2213
34Castaneda, Nelson (12564228)66CTUSA2209
35Mcgrew, Timothy J (12541033)59MIUSA2205
36Wright, William B (12462971)62OHUSA2204
37Ashland, Mark R (10704197)68MDUSA2201
38Shapiro, Daniel E (10094879)69NYUSA2200
39Bryan, Jarod J (12431174)56MEUSA2197
40Smith, Larry L (10447496)69CAUSA2192
41Yeliseyev, Igor (12537352)62NJUSA2182
42Johnson, Leonard Jeffrey (12436272)56MNUSA2171
43Lapan, Dan (15086151)61NYUSA2164
44Torres, Javier Antonio (12557984)72FLUSA2158
45Krasnov, Andrey (12640565)51NYUSA2156
46Apelo, David (13284974)66NYUSA2150
47Osmonbekov, Talaibek D (12699581)50AZUSA2149
48Yedidia, Jonathan (10141591)61MAUSA2145
=48Koganov, Mikhail (12656022)57CTUSA2145
50Rubsamen, Cornelius (12625417)52HIUSA2143
51Hoffmann, Asa (10076994)81NYUSA2137
52Langreck, John (12479730)55CAUSA2135
53Miller, Daniel Isaac (12473672)52VAUSA2130
54Chabris, Christopher F (11316425)57PAUSA2129
55Greanias, Steven D (10034191)69VAUSA2123
=55Ondangan, Ruben (12724876)52CAUSA2123
57Ismakov, Arthur (12654576)63CAUSA2121
58Diebert, Charles M (10269181)70OHUSA2118
59Winslow, Elliott (10363365)72CAUSA2113
60Kelleher, William J (10012571)75MAUSA2109
61Murphy, Thomas Dwayne (12396676)66ILUSA2108
62Barnakov, Yury Anatolievich (12964843)58MAUSA2103
63Wall, Brian D (10923344)69COUSA2100
=63Kaden, Gregory O (12000550)53MAUSA2100
=63Times, Lawyer (12167330)59MAUSA2100
=63Treger, Yefim (12656884)68NYUSA2100
67Riddell, John (10084369)64NYUSA2099
68Durham, Dan (11326111)63NVUSA2098
69Hart, Michael Merrill (10004705)77MAUSA2096
70Casden, Alan (10089051)73OHUSA2095
71Harris, Neal Douglas (10211191)68NCUSA2091
72Gallegos, Jeffery Alan (11505538)60NVUSA2090
73Cooke, Eric (11180035)60FLUSA2089
74Ranario, Dan Pobre (12813631)57MOUSA2088
75Woodward, Billy (12425374)68KYUSA2085
76Bauer, Richard N (10583896)69CTUSA2083
77Levine, David M (10113334)69WAUSA2079
78Iwu, Okechukwu Anele Nnej (12675167)51MNUSA2078
79Singh, Errol (12566507)51NJUSA2076
80Land, Chris K (12449564)56TXUSA2075
81Mcentee, Tim R (12298150)59IAUSA2069
82Goldsby, A.J. (10755751)66FLUSA2068
83Luther, Ronald G (10365007)66MOUSA2066
=83Faust, Jeffrey S (12277560)60PAUSA2066
85Hoshor, Mark T (10197996)65NCUSA2065
=85Markzon, Gregory (12057550)75NJUSA2065
87Colding, Ernest P (10099463)67NYUSA2064
88Small, Gregg H (10228972)64CAUSA2062
89Seward, Steven C (12108230)66OHUSA2061
90Straver, Edwin (12548416)58NVUSA2058
=90Kline, Edmund G (12832377)57PAUSA2058
92Marcelino, William (12423786)64VAUSA2057
93Brooks, John (10294380)78MIUSA2056
=93Longen, Joseph F (11103545)59MNUSA2056
95Gibbins, Wilson K (10202825)67ORUSA2050
96Becker, Allen J (10481783)71WIUSA2049
97Du Charme, Pierre (12652496)61NVUSA2046
98Hill Jr., Leroy (12352820)62NJUSA2040
99Christie, Don M (10139074)66NYUSA2039
100Johnson, Ernest T. (10089115)67NYUSA2038
=100Ross, Steven G (11440011)64CAUSA2038
=100Joelson, Michael (12051880)70OHUSA2038
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.


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