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Top Age 18 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation September 2024

1Guo, Arthur (14772092)18GAUSA2598
2Ghazarian, Kirk (14885268)18CAUSA2573
3Deviprasath, Sharvesh R (14761270)18TXUSA2537
4Lu, Maximillian (14732597)18CTUSA2494
5Huston, Gus (14921551)18NYUSA2444
6Clasby, Derek (15194211)18NJUSA2424
7Degenbaev, Aziz (31649245)18WAFOR2377
8Lee, Justin (14951717)18NJUSA2358
9Oberoi, Shelev (14961028)18TXUSA2350
10Mei, Austin R (16090452)18CAUSA2330
11Sriniaiyer, Sudarshan (14943697)18VAUSA2329
12Wu, Rochelle (14901590)18CAUSA2328
13Singh, Hersh (15024326)18WIUSA2309
14Wen, Teddie (15215643)18CAUSA2305
15Brady, Tyson (15967098)18VAUSA2298
16Pan, Kevin (14740822)18CAUSA2286
17Peterson, Ryan Harada (14901322)18NYUSA2274
18Thomforde-Toates, Noah Henry (15582857)18PAUSA2272
19Salik, Serkan (14927970)18CAUSA2265
20Guha, Rohit (15929653)18ILUSA2264
=20Rusonik, Max (17087417)18FOR2264
22Gundam, Rohit (14908373)18TXUSA2258
23Karthik, Advaith (15013917)18NCUSA2255
24Song, Alan (15418978)18MAUSA2251
25Samant, Neil (15097282)18NJUSA2248
26Prestia, Paris (15417342)18NYUSA2247
27Johnson, Donald (16126281)18NCUSA2244
28Bhavikatti, Neil (14919064)18COUSA2238
29Stone, Vincent William (15537233)18FLUSA2236
30Shuman, Nathaniel Lande (14782020)18NYUSA2235
31Zhang, Eric M (14668426)18WAUSA2233
32Zhou, Aiden (16412221)18BCFOR2232
33Hua, Charles (14763433)18NYUSA2227
34Rajanish, Adhvaith (15207492)18MIUSA2219
35Nathan, Krishna (15090115)18CAUSA2209
36Joseph Benher, Savio Bennihyn (16552121)18ONFOR2203
37Amaya, Brayan Angel (16722628)18FLUSA2202
38Kanli, Alperen (17000447)18VAFOR2198
39Schexnaydre, Benson (15900121)18MSUSA2196
40Ligotti, John Joseph (16782771)18FLUSA2192
41Penagalapati, Abhinav (15467440)18CAUSA2190
42Zhang, Samuel (16338205)18NJFOR2187
43Xie, Brandon (14961610)18CAUSA2183
44Chakka, Pardhav (15933472)18USA2178
45Rambha, Hemachandra (14946545)18TNUSA2173
46David, Kazuma (15337510)18MIUSA2151
47Modi, Ethan (15367216)18NJUSA2147
48Doraszelski, Alexander (15280554)18PAFOR2146
49Hu, Alexander C (15767794)18NJUSA2142
50Heller, Jack (15613715)18ILUSA2141
51Trakru, Rohun (14723608)18TXUSA2138
52Li, Jerry (15391332)18MAUSA2131
53Sergeev, Aleksey Michael (16337725)18NJUSA2126
54Gospodinov, Antony (14968016)18FLUSA2125
55Wisniowski, Natalie (15702390)18ILUSA2121
56Boris, Peter Theodore (14905771)18NYUSA2116
57Peed, Grant (15275094)18VAUSA2112
58Nair, Roshen Sanjay (15403672)18ORUSA2110
59Beck, Alec (15137253)18WAUSA2109
60Lane, Thomas (15837022)18VAUSA2108
61Zheng, Michael Zihan (14952450)18MIUSA2105
=61Mcquillin, Danil Alsandair (15050406)18GAUSA2105
63Timm, Jordan Everett (15078846)18MNUSA2099
=63Li, Weijie-Jay (16425212)18NYFOR2099
65Vu, Leonard (15005368)18CAUSA2093
66Deutsch, Daniel (15797684)18WIUSA2088
67Eswaran, Aksithi (14583755)18CAUSA2087
=67Xu, Jonathan (15423612)18PAUSA2087
69Nair, Siddhant (14996973)18VAUSA2080
70Wan, Bertrand (16246570)18WAUSA2079
71Desai, Aneesh (15334484)18VAUSA2070
72Senczakowicz-Gibo, Jake V (17044192)18AZUSA2067
73Lin, Michael (15420090)18OHUSA2065
74Mauskopf, Roman (16758881)18AZUSA2063
75Cirasella, Lucas (15482226)18NJUSA2054
76Chan, Kyle (30063365)18NYUSA2052
77He, Stephen (14726703)18CAUSA2048
78Baalla, Nura (15515138)18NYUSA2044
79Pullabhotla, Venkata (15472194)18TXUSA2038
=79Chang, Eddie (16589427)18WAUSA2038
81Zhou, David Tianyi (15194137)18MAUSA2032
=81Chalfant, Holden (15214147)18MAUSA2032
83Potharaju, Srikar (14964013)18AZUSA2029
84Jinsi, Soham Gyani (15026757)18MDUSA2027
=84Menon, Gauri (15187152)18WIUSA2027
86Lauer, Benjamin Francis (15515557)18NJUSA2022
87Durost, Benjamin E (17214574)18WIUSA2020
88Wu, Eric Sheng (15282174)18NHUSA2019
89Zhou, Chelsea (15239016)18CAUSA2016
90Trey, Justin (15592064)18TXUSA2015
91Malladi, Eeshaan Varshith Sai (16124827)18AZUSA2014
92Yang, Benjamin (14963616)18TXUSA2012
93Maheshwari, Jayant (14966376)18MDUSA2007
94Burton, Henry (14938916)18NYUSA2004
95Chen, Anthony Deyou (16164610)18ILUSA2000
96Tang, Andrew (14554791)18TXUSA1997
=96Symons, Elijah M (30295792)18NYUSA1997
98Templin, Aethelred Magni Hildebrandt (16614292)18WIUSA1996
99Lusignan, David (17109403)18NYUSA1993
100Sathiaram, Sarvadh (16053324)18TXFOR1992
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.


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