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Top Age 9 January 2024

1Zhu, Linxi (30328482)9NYUSA2106
2Jasinski, Alexander (30029349)9AZUSA2087
3Ayyappan, Santhosh (16959235)9NJUSA2083
4Xia, Joshua (30026083)9CAUSA2079
5Ling, Chenxuan (17159983)9NYUSA2074
6Shangin, Lev (17117362)9NYUSA2031
7Debmisra, Ariv (17314200)9PAUSA1968
8Mulay, Vivan Prakash (30366447)9FLUSA1955
9Yang, Aimee (30082227)9USA1952
10Zhang, Oscar Yihang (30067435)9TXUSA1949
11Zheng, Lerui (30023898)9MIUSA1930
12Wang, Rocky (17133074)9MIUSA1925
13Jani, Aakash (17179264)9FLUSA1887
14Diao, Sujia (17103011)9NJUSA1881
15Indukuri, Suhas Varma (16887781)9CAUSA1875
16Bhaskaran, Siddharth (30043807)9WAUSA1867
17Zhao, Danson (30127679)9VAUSA1850
18Schaefer, Sasha Milo (30360321)9NYUSA1839
19Yang, Lucas (16740405)9NYUSA1823
20Sarwar, Sawyer L (17353340)9NYUSA1802
21Sanghani, Tanay (30023364)9SCUSA1797
22Maheshwari, Rayansh (17318177)9CAUSA1787
23Cao, Frank Zhongtian (30158113)9MAUSA1785
24Wu, Winsley (30780293)9NYUSA1772
25Maddipati, Srihas Sai Sarvesh (17152864)9TXUSA1769
26Tendulkar, Ojas (16963734)9TXUSA1764
27Zou, Andrew (30100762)9CAUSA1760
28Ni, Leo (30407439)9CAUSA1752
29Zhang, Royce (30154455)9RIUSA1751
30Li, Tanqi (30381740)9INUSA1735
31Dancig-Perlman, Gogo (17151222)9CAUSA1732
32Doddapaneni, Viyaan Krishna (30316768)9NJUSA1730
33Lin, Michael (17281737)9WAUSA1711
34Wong, Eugene (17157923)9NYUSA1705
35Liu, Boaz (30542875)9MIUSA1703
36Qu, Brian (30017435)9NJUSA1702
37Jha, Keya (30189449)9OHUSA1697
38Li, Jayden (30082341)9NJUSA1686
39Zhu, Alicia (17319976)9MAUSA1673
40Jain, Armaan Chandragupta (30230374)9NYUSA1672
41Kolli, Rishi (30358373)9TXUSA1669
42Liu, Steven (30603409)9MDUSA1668
43Tanaka, Takki (17214690)9NYUSA1662
44Wu, Winston (30022609)9FLUSA1655
45Silvestre, Lucas (30021630)9ILUSA1650
46Wang, Howard (30291617)9CAUSA1648
47Liu, Liam (30390852)9CAUSA1647
48Mahajan, Krish (31087905)9MNUSA1644
49Cheng, Samuel (30067638)9NYUSA1643
=49Liu, Chloe (30081462)9TXUSA1643
51Liu, Caden (30149077)9MDUSA1630
52Shrivastava, Ansh (30136879)9CAUSA1628
53Mutha, Kabir Partha (30025432)9NYUSA1603
54Dubey, Shiv (17241381)9NYUSA1602
55Hao, Ryan (17217725)9NYUSA1599
=55Zhang, Jerry (30523096)9VAUSA1599
57Liu, Connor Xiang (30071216)9MAUSA1598
58Patel, Raza Mikal (17166561)9NYUSA1595
59Yu, Nicole Q (30489659)9DEUSA1594
60Ordanza, Francis Gio Bigol (30223131)9CAUSA1592
61Alexander, Damian (30247393)9FLUSA1585
=61Carr, David Johnathan (30315361)9NYUSA1585
63Gupta, Vihaan (30019619)9CAUSA1584
64Jehin, Rishin (30043660)9AZUSA1580
65Saha, Avik (17251957)9CAUSA1577
66Zhang, Lawrence (30167437)9TXUSA1553
67He, Julian (30364859)9TXUSA1549
68Wong, Hudson (30716757)9NYUSA1545
69Cui, Chris (30048697)9MAUSA1543
70Palathingal, Rafael (30810765)9WAUSA1539
71Aronov, Zack Alexander (17264247)9NYUSA1534
=71Choi, Colton Ascher (17352200)9NYUSA1534
73Shin, Theodore (30043465)9NYUSA1532
74Freiman, Logan (17217731)9NYUSA1522
75Bhoopathi, Rishith (30394882)9NJUSA1516
76Merriman, Dann Hu (17079355)9WAUSA1515
77Huang, Wesley Tang (17201191)9NYUSA1508
=77Meng, Miranda (30279266)9USA1508
79Hoja, Saeed (17050607)9TNUSA1505
80Liu, Vincent W (30188920)9NYUSA1500
81Wu, Terrain (30135638)9NYUSA1498
82Lou, Aileen (30058347)9NYUSA1496
83Stern, Eli (30022564)9NYUSA1495
=83Pavuluri, Vivaan (30203278)9USA1495
85Chen, Bryant Anson (30082298)9NYUSA1492
86Wang, Nathan Zicheng (30419004)9TXUSA1491
87Wu, Cody (30484179)9CTUSA1488
88He, Rico (30439112)9NYUSA1484
89Chen, Raymond (30299312)9GAUSA1481
90Fan, Jocelyn (16778266)9CAUSA1480
91Bhattacharyya, Rishik (30135902)9NJUSA1478
92Gao, Pinhang (30144881)9VAUSA1469
=92Fee, Jude (30832248)9COUSA1469
94Saha, Tanisha (17305578)9FLUSA1459
95Holm, Kelton (30017685)9IAUSA1450
96Lu, Jingyi (30222801)9PAUSA1446
=96Garcia, Kaiser Troy (30767117)9TXUSA1446
98Tran, Timothy (30489133)9NYUSA1443
99Tisminezky, Tavi (30027801)9CAUSA1428
100Mcdonald, James (30132859)9FLUSA1420
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.


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