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Absolute CC Championship Review

Absolute Player Bios

Stephen Barbre

Bio as of 1994.

Stephen, 38, has been a Senior Postal Master since 1982, and currently ranks fifth in the US. He began postal chess in 1980 afer a tour of duty with the US Navy. Presently employed as a mechanic for the US Postal Service, he describes his chess style as positional: "There's no quick knockouts in my chess games. I like to win a pawn, then 40 moves later win the game." Stephen is also a tennis and backgammon fan. Half in jest, he notes, "If I have a choice of analyzing a chess game or playing tennis, tennis usually wins." Now if only one could play tennis by mail....

As an update to Stephen's bio, he did go on to achieve the title of 1994 USCF Absolute Champion and tied in the 1997 USCF Absolute with Paul Thompson.