Irina vs. Iryna in Round Five of the Women's
By Jennifer Shahade   
October 8, 2009
Irina Krush and Iryna Zenyuk, Photo Betsy Dynako

Round five of the 2009 U.S. Women's Championship (October 3-13) will see Irina and Iryna play (Krush-Zenyuk). Irina Krush told CLO that although the two are friends, we should see a fierce battle worthy of their arm-wrestling match above from the Queens of Jazz concert.  Meanwhile, leaders Anna Zatonskih and Alisa Melekhina will face Tatev Abrahamyan and Rusudan Goletiani. Update: Zatonskih leads by a full point after a win over Abrahamyan and the Irinas had an exciting draw. See the video recap below for the action so far:

The games and the live broadcast with commentary by me and GM-elect Ben Finegold begins at 2 PM local/3 PM EST. Watch the action live on or the Internet Chess Club. Tune back in on Saturday, October 10 at a new start-time, 1 PM EST, Noon local. Friday, October 9th is a rest day.